The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)

PAGE SIX T1HE LOSVOC RECORD. LOMPOC, CALIFRONIA FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1940 r- -T 1 r- 1 1 1 I i 1 Park Ocean of the caretaker's house here, on Saturday. They were instrusted to her by Ernest Brook. They were borrowed by some Sea Scouts dur- URC ESI liwr. ana Mrs.

Austin Howerton i and Marian, Mr. and George Howerton and Fern, Mr. and Mrs. r.n, n. i- Lowell Oneal Held Wednesday Last rites, were held Wednes-, day for Lowell Sebum Oneal who passed away Monday in Santa Maria hospital.

Mr. Oneal was a native; of Iowa and Was years Donnie, and Vernon Olsen, were est for Me epinar a picnic party at Ocean park on We cou'd never understand this Memorial day, 1 "fifth wheel" business, nor why Mr. and Mrs. L. L.

Cooper is allowed to fumble around in H. P. CooDer of Los Olives. vi8it-J America Were Communists to ed with the caretaker May 30. 0j on Mr.

and Mrs, T. Reed and family) and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Page and family, were another party here Memorial Day. Mr.

and Mrs. Stan Kutfner and Mr, and Mrs. BUI Wright were picnicker! i here the 30th. Mrs. May "Kokelbacker and her pupils.

ef the Arjesia school pic nicked Pit this resort Friday: ti, iincr rn mar mir nnnn a rnnncn I .1 1 .1.1 I n7 eireciea-no rescues, tne lei- "Su and someone left them with Ern- start campaign in Russia lor a republic, they would quickly make a permanent disappearance. And it would be little loss if they turn- ed up, "missing" here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huseman and family, Mr.

and Mrs. B. McClellan and children, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wilson and, family, Mrs.

Jane Bates and Risrsrs i Droiner iviggs pacnic and barbecue at this resort Sunday. BntIrflM hSljf 80nS; rand and Frank Cervenka of Kettleman City, were another picnic party at Ocean park Sunday. E. E. Lotz, fire, patrolman, visit-? Tri wl" lie al8 "sued a "burning permit," Ln IL.

taker to superintend burning of piled weeds and trash anywhere in the park. The crews of Jimmy Galanos and Jim Griffin, 20 men in all, old at the time of his death. Several selections were played by Mrs. Lou Benit. Pall bearers were T.

M. Parks, M. K. Lewis, Lester Badger, Austin Howerton, E. A.

Vaughan and Fred Tolbert. Mr. Oneal is survived by his wid- ow 'and four: boys, Roy, Paul and Jack. A sister, Mrs. J.

YV iSereddon of Pi Angeteus, Out-of-town relatives attending the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morton of Ojai, M. Oneal of Kingsbury, Jack Hudel-stone of Kingsbury, O. J.

Benight of Selma, Bailey Benight of Sel-ma, Mrs. J. O. Evans of Del Rey, Mrs. V.

W. Keim and Kay Keim both of Fresno. Altar Undertaking company was in charge with interment in the Everegreen cemetery. have, completed raising the road- bed on the at Surf. New rails (39 feet long, weight 110 pounds tp the yard) were also installed.

The work was accomplished in two weeks. backer, Chieko f*ckawa, Noriko Kawahata. Mary Nagata Kouiko f*ckawa, Adeline Cabreana, er Velasquez. Victoria Vallsau Mm THE RECORD WANT ADS Lompoc Record and Shopper Went Ada ere for many people the answer, to. the need for ready cash.

An insertion in Want Ad colmns is "inexpensive and produces results, i Regular reading of the Want Ads takes but a few minutes and is often extremely profitable. 10c PER LINE for the First Insertion 5c PER LINE Each Subsequent Insertion ATLAS GUARANTEED BAT TERIES Recharging. Low prices. See Ham at Standard Station. 5-3-52t SEWING' Dressmaking, EMBROIDERY, Knitting, etc.

Expert workmanship, reasonable prices. For particular see Kay Batkin, 221 North or -phone 157-J. 6-23-tf BEFORE' YOU BUY ANY CAR Drive a STUDEBAKER. M. S.

(Ham) 5-3-52t FOR SALE WEANER PIGS. J. Fraters, Santa Rosa Rd. 5-24-3tp APARTMENTS FOR RENT Inquire 119 No. St.

4-26-tfc FOR SALE, WOOD OAK, Blue Gum. Also river gravel and sand. 125 South J. 7-14-tf STUDEBAKER TOMORROW'S -car, today. M.

S. tHam) Ham-'. ilton. 5-3-52t NORGE WASHING MACHINE Used only 6 months. Cheap.

Call after 5 p.m., 215 No. street. 6-7-ltp FOR RENT room house. -FURNISHED 4-Apply J. IL Ste phenson, 316 South F.

6-7-tfc WANTED TO RENT A RANCH. -Stock or farming or both. Communicate with, P. O. Box 20, Lompoc.

6-7-2tp WINDOW SHADES, COL- ors and sizes, 50c and up, at Negus Furniture Store. 4-12-tfc ATI AS GUARANTEED TIRES l-w prices, repairing. See Hami Standard Station. 5-3-52t We Represent Strong Capital Stock Insurance Companies There Are No Assessments Shoichi Kawahata, Irimeo Cabfe ana, Shigeo Kusaynogi and Manuel Sandoval. A quotes "The authoritative Fascist uicBnuKC lium ivume uune r.invnnnl AnnlHrt Tfa1w ---f the contst it would gjgnify irre.

AaAan qualification. You would suffer consequences of this disqualification because to be Italians would mean to be feeble, cowardly'," We can see nothing heroic about waiting until they figure the allies are practically defeated, then try to give them the final shove over the cliff of disaster and "Gain a share of the spoils." It. seems now that Saturday; May 25, may safely be called the day of the final spring closing of the Santa Ynez. The river raised several inches last night on a six foot tide and another six foot tide to come Thursday. Ten or twelve inches more will make the river yearly tank full, and swimming will be good.

Mrs. Hert) Beattie and Minnie, Mrs. Francis Beattie and children, and Mrs. Dale Hounshell and grandson, were a bathing party; here riday. J.

S. Gross of Taft, was given a camping permit at Ocean park Saturday. He and Mrs. Gross remained here until Monday. Miss Minnie Beattie returned the two life preservers that hung for so many years on the front' ROBERT C.

LILLEY COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE 105 North Street Lompoc, Calif. Phone 160 Alter Undertaking Company THE HOME OF SINCERE SERVICE Lady Attendant Residence Office, 17 Chapel 113 South I Street Deputy Coroner's Office CERTIFICATE OF SHIP DOING BUSINESS UNDER FICTITOUS NAME THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the. undersigned, STANLEY JOSEPH RUFFNER and MI A SPANE RUFFNER, copartners, are now doing business under the fictitious name of "RUFFNER the City of County of Santa Barbara, State pfr California; that they are sole owners and proprietors of the business transacted under the said fictitious -name -of RufTner RufTne'r," and thejr full names and places of residence are as follows: Stanley Joseph RufTner, residing at 338 South Street, Lompoc, California. Mia Spanne RufTner, residing at 621 West Walnut Avenue, Lompoc California. WITNESS OUR HANDS, this 3rd day of May, 1940.

STANLEY JOSEPH RUFFNER MIA SPANNE RUFFNER STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. County of Santa Barbara. On this 3rd day of May, 1940, before me, C. Kelley Harden-brook, a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Barbara, State of therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Stanley Joseph RufTner and Mia Spanne RufTner, personally known to me to le the persons whose names are subscribed to the within, instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written.

(SEAL) C. Kelley Hardenbrook Notary Public in and for the of Santa Barbara, State of California. My Commision expires Aug. 28, 1940. (5-12-5t) NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for County of Santa Barbara No.

31723 In The Mutter Of The Estate Of! Munuela Manfrina. Notic is hereby givi-n that day. the 14th day of June. 19 10 at 10 o'clock A.M. of ail day, and the Court Room of a i Court, at the Court House in the City of Santa Maria, in the Coun ty of Santa Barbara, have been appointed a.

the time and place from proving the will of Manuela Manfrina deceased, and for hearing the application of Thomas P. Wcldon for the issuance to him of letters testamentary thcrvon. Dated May 15th, ID 10. Attest J. K.

LEWIS, Clerk (SEAL) By E. V. DAVIS, Deputy Clerk. K. Hardenbrook, Attorney for Petitioner.

(May 2i 3t) CERTlnCTE oF PARTNER- ship doiisg business Under fictitious NAME THIS IS TO CERTIFY that! the undersiirneil. WILLIAM FRANKLIN 110 MIS and HARRY ARTHUR HOimS, as copartners, ate now doing business under the fictitious name of "II0BI1S In the City of Iompoc, Coun'y of fii-ta Barbara, State of raHfomu; tint tliey are thci Kile owner proprietor of th? in noted under the fiftit.f.iM of "Hobhs Bro- and their, full inmes andj of residence are ns follows:) William Franklin llobbs, rr- i siding at bcu't and II Lompoc, California. Many Arthur HdiH resid-Ine at 512 S.iuth (' Street, Lompoc, California. 1 WITNESS Ol'R HANDS, this '20th rlny of February, 13 10. WILLIAM FRANKLIN 1IOBBS HARRY ARTHUR 1IODBS STATE OF CALIFORNIA us.

County of Santa Barbara On thu iinsh day of February, 1940, brfmp me, C. Kelley NVnry Public in nn.l for Ibp Cminty of Santa Barbara. I I 1 wwvwt PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Chestnut Avenue and I Street John minister 9:45 Sunday school. Reg Ham-blin, superintendent. Children's day exercises, all are invited.

11:00 Mr. Garretson will speak on "Readjustments Necessary." 7:00 The young peoples societies will meet. The choir in this church under Mm "Noil rope, with Miss Barbara Griffin at the offers you splendid music in a worshipful service. Come and enjoy it. BAPTIST CHURCH Corner and Cypress REV.

ERNEST H. SHANKS Next Sunday morning the sermon topic will be How We May Know That We "Are Christians? In the evening Dr. Shanks will speak on "The Way on "IM. way; That Is Narros." Miss Eva Jacobs 1 Prrae me, unu spe- cial musical numbers are being arranged 'by the music committee. The Bible school under the leadership of M.

A. Howerton will meet at 9:45 and the Young People at 6:30. Prayer meeting on Wednesday vening at 7:30. Cordial invitation to all. METHODIST CHURCH Sourti Street Rot.

C. H. Archibald, pastor Church school, a.m. Church service, 11 a.m. Epworth league, 6:30 p.m.

Fellowship hour, 7:30 p.m. Sermon Jopic: "Permanent Security." F' CHURCH OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS Meets at Alpha Club House Sunday school: "Latter Day Saints Temple Work." Priesthood: "Power of the Preistho.od." LA PURISIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH South I Street at Olive Rev. P. J. McGuinnett Sunday masses at 8 and 10 a.m.

Holydays 7:30 and 9 a.m. Religious instruction for chll-dren on Fridays at 4 SAINT MARrS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles E. Maimann, Vicar Third Sunday after Trinity. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. (' CHURCH OF CHRIST (CHRISTIANS) A.

G. Rogers, Minister The Church of Christ meets each Lord's Day evening in the Alpha club house, East Ocean avenue. Bible study or Sunday school starts at 7 p.m. Preaching and Communion from 8-9 p.m. THEATER Thursday night only, "On Their Own," the Joneses, America's favorite family in another entertain-Ingpictufc, with Spring Byington, Ken Howell and Florence Roberts.

Also selected shorts nd vocal caxh night, Friday and Saturday. "Shop Around the Corner," starring Margaret Sullavan, Jas. Stewart and Frank Morgan in a humorous and highly human nlory based on the Cinderella theme. Selected shorts. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, "Northwest Passage" with Spen cer Tracy, Robert Young, Walter Brcnnun and Ruth Husney In a Rtirrlng saga of fortitude, bravery and hardships of the early colonixt.

"Gone With the Wind" one of the most widely discussed pictures of the year with Vivkn Leigh, Clark Gable, Olivia dellabllland, Leslie Howard and Thomas Mitchell, Wednesday and Thursday. Use i The Classified Ads fvvvwvv CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY South Street 4 The subject Lesson-Sermon on Sunday, in all Churches of Christ, Scientist is "God the Only Cause and Creator." This verse from Jeremiah "Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and, the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee," constitutes the Golden Text. The Lesson-Sermon includes also these words of the Psalmist: "Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before' the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the; earth and the Warld, eyen from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Let thy work appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto their children." These verses from James are also presented: "Do not err, my beloved brethern.

Every good gii and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Fa; ther of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow 6f turning." Among the passages" from the Christian Science textbook, and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, are the statements: "When mortal man blends his thoughts of existence with the spiritual and works only as God works, he will no longer grope in the dark and cling to earth because he has not tasted heaven. When we realize that Life is Spirit, never in hpr of matter, this understanding will expand into self-completeness, finding all in God, good, and needing no other consciousness." THE CHURCH BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, INC. I 202 East Ocean Avenue Rev. end Mrs. Al Weer (Sky Pilot), paitori Meetings this week as usual here at the ohurch and the Lord truly is blessing us.

Every service is different and when we meet together we expect the Lord tq meet with us and He never fails. He says "where two or three are gathered together in my name, am I in the midst of them." Tuesday night is our regular Bible study and prayer meeting. Friday night is young peoples night and this next Friday bro ther Anthony Moreiravwill be bringing the message from God's word. Snturdav aftmnnn nt 1 o'clock children church with sis tcr Ross in charge. Sunday morn ing at 9:45 Sunday school, 11 o' clock morning worship, 7:30 p.m regular evangelistic meeting.

Next Tuesday night, June 11, at 7:30, the Libbey Family band will be here once more in a band concert and will have charge of the entire service. Come and hear them once again. CHRISTIAN and MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 222 North I Street Rtv. J. Harold Howard, pettor CHRIST MISS Sunday school meets at 9:45 with well-taught classes all ages.

Mrs. Ira Mullin, superintcn dent. Morning worship at 11. A serv Ice of spiritual uplift with music and message by tho pastor. Young people's hour at 6:15 p.m.

Carol Cooper is devotlonn The evening Evangelistic serv at 7:30 is characterised by i fine time of singing, special mu and the pastor's evening mcs- Mid-week services for prayer and Bible study arc held on Tuesday and Thursday nights renpeo lively. We extend to you tho friendly hand of welcome to all these services. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS school lekson: "Resurrection." Priesthood lesson: "The Power of the Priesthood." PATH OF GLORY FOR SYMBOLIC CAR YOU CAN'T beat our service. Try us on 'our nt job. M.

S. (Ham) Hamilton. 5-3-521 there FOR SALE CHICKEN'S. Broil crs or fryers. 517 No.

S'. Phone 229-W. 5-3-tf FOR SALE BROILERS AND hens, alive or dressed, at G. E. Lcarned's.

913 North street, ph. 26-R. 3-28-tfc ARMSTRONG RUGS, TO BEAU-tify the home. $5.95. Others, $3.95 up.

At Negus Furniture Store. FOR SALE JUST LISTED real 6-room home with two garages; on paved street for about half the cost. Selling price $5000. Also a 5 -acre block improved with good house for $2000. Both good properties and terms may be arranged.

Sec L. L. Smith, agent. UNFINISHED FURNITURE A large selection. Chests, from $2.95 up.

At Negus FurnHuro Store. KOCKCAS EQUIPMENT FOR Sole Small tank, reirulalor. Li r-trj jcrrt 1.., yc: Uive and pipe. Suitable for the month of June. 28.000.0.

fi, i i To'rd tar No. 28,000,000 It now on the itcond half of Us 10,000 mile International good lll lour, after arriving at the Golden Gate Inter national Lxpoulton (top view) and being re-eeit ed itb tolorful In the Court of Tartfica reception on Treasure Island, the entire east of "America! Cavalcade of a Nation" turned out, along with detachments from the British and Mexican consulates, and high of ficialt of Slate, tilj', and fair. At right are the Co-pilots, jimmy Rooney, left, and Charles Soder qulit. The symbolic automobile will arrive at lb -Nevt York world's fair, via Canada, on ford Day, June 16. i un iiiiimt.

ovw i7. rvcreii, Court 5-31-3tc i SAM FLOWKRS, THE BARGAIN I Hunter, f.2'Ji State San-1 ta Barbara. "A clenn deal to all." State street property rented to permanent tenant; can bo had for fGOOO cash. Ventura 2fi-ncre ranch with 740 apricot, 2 walnut trees, good house, plenty water, fruit sheds, garages, pumping plant, $7000; part cash. Many other real bargains.

5-10-4tc C. D. McCABE RKAI, KMT ATE INSURANCE Thone 1B-W 1 no K. Ocean Ave. Lompoc, Calif Floor Waxing See ui about our club plait Save money by us care for your floors by the year, Bcrnie Christcnsciv ft AAn a i I p-r 1 MESCAL IKE 'up i.

l. huntley All Set Until the Next Letter rjZZCK) ynmW fev -f Stale of California, residing In, duly commi loiotifd and" sworn, personally appealed William Franklin Hobbs nttd Harry Arthur llobbs perMiiinlly known to me tr be the person noe name. are subscribed to tho witlih in- iptrUmrnt, ftnd B-kllowledjJrd tn me that they executed the IN WITNBS8 AVHERF.OF, 1 have hereunto set my hand nni affixed my official seal the day rt.d year In this certificate fn-t tn written. (SEAL) C. KELLEY HAKDENBROOK Notary Public in and.fdr the County of Santa Barbara, State of California.

I (5-10-ot) ffiwm. jm.t?m itn i nii SANDED. REFINISIIED I Slre -I'll I II I 11 11 V- I.

The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.