The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)

Wednesday, June 19, 1996 LOMPOC RECORD (Lompoc," Calif.) Bo a a car MM itMVHiinitM'iiH MamEmirarcMa fiTiwrrniinira i TAYLOR ASSOC. 'AUTO PARTS KENNY'S AUTOlftOTIUE Computer 4 TIRE SERVICE A Name You Can Trust For 24 HOUR Quality Service MOST HSURAHCE'S ACCEPTED! FfHST PAST HtHST" 736-8571 117 North FSt DOMESTICCOMMERCIAL CLEANING WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY, MONTHLY, MOVE OUTIN BASE APPROVED FREE ESTLMATESINSURED COMPANY THIS SUMMER? WE CAN HELP YOU GET READY. OUR TIME IS YOUR TIME ESTIMATES ARE FREE SNIDER SERVICE CENTER DEPEND ABLERELIABLE 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE MEL'S REPAIR REFRIGERATION REPAIRS ANDAC All makes models CommercialDomestic $15 SERVICE CALL Senior Citizens discount Licensed 'Bonded 30 Years Experience (805) 738-3593 P.O Box 2254 Lompoc, California 93438 BEACH CONCRETE Driveways Walkways Patios Redwood Decks Concrete Demo Tractor Dump Truck Service. Lie. 632466 736-6233 mam OTIS o.j SHE a VI 9aW m'mii RieckBros'Co.

Alternative Appliance 'Quality is Our Heritage 1 Year Ubor Warranty on All Parts Service Tech Steve Ried 735-4623 UclA42M Insured Th01e Quartet Bendei Ugly Wrinkles in Your Carpet? Repairs Stretches Installs New Used Carpets Call Alan at riiiu JOHN KIRO am CCrtSTRXTJCN tic. 432262 Driveways Patios Sidewalks remove replace FREE ESTIMATES (605)735-6131 TtTaTTiTim Quality Overhead Door 736-0653 PJaet asla at fear ajeraaeeearT WorWnQ garage door fJsplay In our MEW Showroom at Wl ourNEMIoealloii! 1501 East bhestnut WEDDING SET ANNIVERSARY RING EXTRAVAGANZA 325 E. Braista Maria 7 DAVE'S PAINTING -interior Exterior Pressure Washing Retexturing Accoustical Ceilings 20 years experience Free estimates 736-2199 mi STUDIES SHOW; ALIVE PERSON ANSWERING YOUR PHONES CAN INCREASE YOUR PROFITS BY 60. 2' SPECIALIST IN RESURFACING PORCELAIN i FIBERGLASS BATHTUBS SINKS SHOWERS CERAMIC WALL TILES CHOICE OF COLORS CHIP REPAIR, 5 YEAR WARRANTY QUAUTY WORKMANSHIP Not a licensed Contractoi FREE ESTIMATES BATHCREST OP SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 736-7167 SUPERIOR SERVICES "ENOUGH SAID" Quality Housekeeping-Commercial-Janitorial Maintenance Services Lie -Bonded-Ins. Serving the Lompoc Community since 19B8 733-2815 3734-L Constellation Rd.

V.V. Shopping Center Lompoc, CA 93436 5 ANYTHING ATHLETIC Tour One-Stop Sporting Hood Stare." 4ustnmi7B vcuir hats Jackets in our Embroidery Department 617-B No. St 736-2363 'iTboijse Calls In-Home Care (or Elderly or Infirm Respite Care Bathino Companions HHAs CNAs HCGs CALL US FOR QUALITY PROFESSIONAL CARE 736-6808 REFERENCES When It comet to exhaust See The Muffler Shopl Workmanship Mufflers Competitively Prked Welding Catalytic Converters Custom Fabrication BATREST 737 If JliJtf-x mUned uniinrdtf27 1CbrAroom 31 JortA. (Pint jt (806)7S6-4t10 7364754 30 yrs. Home Const.

Experience, all phases including repairs of all systems, small or large. All Handyman jobs, concrete, masonry, fencing, etc. Pre-Sale Home Preparation. Help with financing if needed. Call before listing 736-4754 "MONEY TO LOAN" BUY-SELU TRADE All Kinds Of 'Gold Jewelry RICHARD'S PAWNSHOP 400 W.

Oceen Lompoc 73S-0010 Servinp Lompoc Since 960 pirK PlFridrich I di ki. utility iuiiiaiii3 735-6869 Lie 538927 Prompt Professional Service We Idantify errors and overcharges In the following expenses LEASES UTILITY BILL EXPENSE 'TELEPHONECELLULAR FREIGHT BILL EXPENSE Call ut to reduce your "monthly All audita performed on a strict contingency basis. MS-73M386 (Fax) 805-735-2202 19.00 per nam (limehuml UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Secttaaal $71 Love Seat $31 Quality Wort 12 Years Experience 736-1254 General Contractor New Construction Remodeling ROOM ADDITIONS Free Estimates Tom King Owner (805)736-9453) LCM80363 YARDTECH YARD MAINTENANCE Mow Edge Weeding Shrub Trimming Tree Trimming Yard Clean Up 'Hauling Hillside Clearing Rototilling Fertilizing Sprinkler Repair CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 737-9523 Ji. Derrick's Best in the West Landscape Licensed Insured Bonded Commercial Residential Weeding Tree Trimming Hauling Cleanups FtototJlling Aeration Sprinkler Repair (805)733-3937 9LS NOAH'S ARK Pet Store I "Bird Hand Fed Baby co*ckatiels To co*ckatoos I Lame Reptile Dept Come Visit The Ismail Vawtv of Pets in Town 422-A W.Ocean 735-8186 Ch Ik ROOFING OF ALL TYPES OverQ years experience FREE ESTIMATES RANDY MclNTOSH Owner (805) 735-5994 flTOIiraiTifm VIS SELECTROKiCS VrD ramrnrHor TV Video Audio Transfer! Tape Repairs Free VCR Estimates RCA DSS Satellite Sales Service All Work Guaranteed 322-F North (8051735-8444 i C5 fcw IWIRuufiiiu Co. asw bi 4 l3Jl WASTER fttCHMIE SHOP ASECERTVIEO CYL HEADS lUJEPWtrrtMS BLOCKS CUSTOM ENG.

OKBJMuU TOBrfUHM FWD AXLES IHENH CLIAKSM BRAKES ALKM BOROHt FLYWHEEL! DMVESMAFTS 1MAU.EWUKESTO LARGE DKSB. 735-3471 lieaeerttMKUiiiM 1835 Ue 671916 Entry doors French doors Windows Kitchen cabinetry "Counter tops Bathrooms 432 North Street 735-2162 Big Small Jobs Dump Truck Skiploadsr Trash Hauling, Driveway Yard Removal. Tree Trimming Removal General Cleanup Hauling 20 years in Lompoc Free Estimates Call Dennis Lang 736-2904 after pm DUALITY luriDTfiir.i' P.O. Box SI, Lompoc S343S Saving money is easy. Call Bob Stafford at 3464843 or 733-2762 and us his 30 years of lending for a fast free pre-approval on your home purchase or refinance.

Unto! Mr OwL URL (ML PLUMBING 735-5488 3A Hour Emoroency Service 448-2669 lW. Control lompoc Owner Contractor Mort lope! Ucanstd A inured CA UcM7673e Custom Window Treatments including Custom Draperies Mini Blinds Pleated Shades Large Selection of Fabiics FREE In-Home Estimates ROOMMATES Call Cindy at 735-2296 for ant. numberl and to Obtain a wheel Align Brakes Tune-up Automotive General Repairs 1591 Chestnut Ave. 735-1569 POWER, CHAN Heating System Cleaninii Carpet end Upholstery Qeaain4 Water Dajna4e Restoration Lompoc 736-9S99 HSl-AEaetUuirel Lr82npoc LICENSED THERAPIST InuTiiifoi Marital Fmiy SolutkMt oriented acthn Billing provided 4 most insurances accepted including Medicare and Champus William J. Clarke, KSW Phone 733-0533 733-KS2 JOHN'S GUNS THINGS Buv Sell Trade New Used Gunsmitking Special Orders Repairs 733-3022 iirnimm iS7 RODRIGUEZ BROS.

GARDENING LAWN SERVICE TREE TRIMMING A REMOVAL FULL CLEANING A TRASH HAULMG COMMERCIAL A RESIDENTIAL WEEKLY A MONTHLY (805)737-0083 CALL FOR ESTIMATES mm COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR EXTERIOR QUALITY WORK AT FAIR PRICES NO JOB TOO SMALL OR TOO BIG SPECIALIZING IN RE-STUCCOING HOMES, ANY COLOR Lie. 660803 (BOS) 736-4047 ROOFING "OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE" NEW ROOFING RE-ROOFING WATERPROOFING A FREE ESTIMATES via 66f A Video Service Co. VCRCamcorder repairs FREE Estimates on VCRs Camcorder rentals Camcorder batteries In stock Factory trained technicians 225 yrs. experience All work guaranteed 2350 Skyway 11 922-8390 Mtui -II! 1 IT Amr 1 -m. SCHUYLER COLLISION REPAIR All Insurance work Free estimates Son-Frt 736-7387 736-7090 3 runt eovtimei "WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP HAS NOT LOST ITS MEANING' See our Remnant Corner 123 West Ocean Ave.

7SS-S535 Lompoc Errand Go-for Service DELIVERY GROCERIES ING Door Hanging, Windows, Concrete, kitchen SaNvoom Remodeling Counter tops, Cobiriets, Doors, Redwood lenclng New A Repair Redwood Decks, Patio Coven Dry Wall Repair, Accouttlcol spraying, ury woe texture Spraying, Cabinet A Door Reftnishlng Welding. Metal Work. Tractor Work General Carpentry, Wotwbkntlng 20 years experience Free Estimates (736-2014) NO UP FRONT PROCESSING FEES 1st A 2nd Mortgages Home Equity Credit Lines Interest Only Swing Loans All Applications Considered Secured Personal Loans A Credit Lines up to $10,000 Unsecured Loans Available No Loan Committees BENEFICIAL 41 6 E.Ocean, Lompoc 736-4506 F.P AS I Home Restuccoing Repairs 736-7573 Lie. 619674 TRI-VALLEY ROOFING Locally owned and operated Approved applicator for all types of roofing. Repairs Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES Call 735-2120 LIC.

573597 Fully Insured S3 SPECIALIZING FOREIGN VIDEOTAPE CONVERSION AND TRANSFER TO AMERICAN STANDARD (VHS)ANDVtCEVERSA Wdtso fransftrSmm, Super 8, film, photos arid slides to video tap Duplication Service available (B05)735-8851. PABaiaiasAUtta Mlannrae in raniuacl anri BANK mm Emu Ground Zero Designs Archtectural Cotmm Drafting Design Puumm residential Home Remooeunq Custom Home Design Single Story Addition Second Story Addition Commercial Tenant Improvements Space Planning Locally Owned A Operatio Free Estimates Vincent T. Simmons (805)737-6183 DENNIS A. DUNNE'S 7 CARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 33 Veers Experience "Ami AKAirf Spaslais TJ.FRE0fUCH.INC. LIC.

642506 COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE NEW HOMES RE-MODELING ROOM ADDITIONS SPECIALIZING IN PATIO COVERS FENCING DECKS HONEST-QUALITY 733-0213 ELECTR0D0R HARDWARE (ZACK'S) Garage Doors 5- Operators Authorized Genie Dealer Sales Service Sine 1363 1500 E. Chestnut Contractor 4272969 -Custom Full Restorations Water Proofing Reasonable Prices Phono (805)735-1887 State Uc. 694740 RALCCO RECYCLING CA redemption cans, Aluminum cans, CA redemption glass Redemption plastic bottles We also buy scrap aluminum, copper and We now accept cardboard. Newspaper 2c per' pound. Milk Jugs OStb.

OpenMon thru Sat 9-4 Hwy Dnve-ln, Lompoc 735-7590 iTTi-TnTan GIANT TREE SERVICE REMOVAL TOPPING -SHAPING HAULING SABllbIG PRUNING CONSULTING PALM TREE CARE CA Cant lx 1600693 Tree Specialist 735-6015 Si 4 mEDOFTHfMEINHUr tt me km. rani "war ARswar au specialty A BUSINESS IN LOMPOC FDR LOMPOC BUSINESSES 604 East Ocmr Ste. 734114 FAX 737-5501 a0S 433-B NORTH STREET LOMPOC, CA 93436 73M783 Bookkeeping: Payroll Services Year Round Tax Service Notary Fingerprinting Assists In Preparing Application a Official Forma Money Trarufar Fax Service 10am-7pm Mon-Fri 10am 3pm Saturdays COTTON CANDY COMPUTING hi ELECTRONICS JUNE 5" ZnW.OccnAftUapec Lowest prices on PC A MAC Computer Parts. Systems accessories, supplies and software MEMORY from $10 MB Office supplies tor PC's A MORE cables for pc, phone -audio, video, TVs A VCH's A OSS satellite 735-1555 217 VY. Octal Ave Lett pec Affordable Fencing All types' of wood fencing New and Repair Insurance Work Free Estimates Senior Discounts 73IV0807 The House Doctor 25 Years Experience kAII Phases of Home Repair Estimates Hourly Rates 735-6026 2SS professi6nal painting i'-.

736-2014 Exterior Painting Specialists, Interior Painting. Fine Quality Oil-Base Enamel Work. Industrial Spraying, Retextunng. Accoustical Ceilings. Cabinet Door fletmishing 20 yrs.

Experience FREE Estimates Carpentry see HANDYMAN Professional Construction Senior Discounts Reasonable Rates of California Adm-nistratVe PHnnn8AVE 40 .0 DIAMOND CO. A PAINTER Interior Exterior Hourly Rates available Home repair Seniors discount jack McCarthy 737-4459 736 "WE Irrf Wie g'-iifc'' la vfklt7 mm m. I --eaaBHHBtCSa. SB PGALTY iM Brown Jf roofing Bonded Insured Residential Recover Specialists Locally owned operated "Your Satisfaction Quality Work Is Our Goal" -1-800-549-0383 1 1 95 W. Laurel, Lompoc Contractors Lie.

640221 ahoottK Ginger Manny's cr spa Think-Don't Sink Close the pool gate 'ZL save a childs life Never Swim alone Th Doc 736-071B I 735-73QO RAPID SECURITY HompOt SERVICES, INC. mlf Business Residential Guards Patrols Your Complete Lompoc's Oldest LOCAL Tile Store Security Company TUe Materiala for do-it-yourselfers or contractors Tile Installation 736-7760 Lowest Rates I Fffl vtJfCv I CA Lie: PPO10274 fTff1 I 1293 GIVE Gary Eves. 733-3178 iiilMM BB TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming Tree Removals Stump Removal Shrubs Hedges Bushes Fire Clearance uc.No.Nma Certified Arborist Free Estimates (805)734-1230 that any person ffl LLLJ LENDER Lady The Ultimate Club for Women Weight Lose Program Pace 30 minute elaaa Treadmill Ufacydea Stairmeatera Children' Playroom 735-5088 135 No. St Lompoc mrnrrl rh rnntrjirtnr's Nritnsfl U7 Bea Eves. 733-1979 Grading, Hauling, Driveways Yardsl Removed, Weed Abatement, Mowing, Rototilling, Dump Truck, Skiploader, Sand Topsoil.

Available. Schuyler Tractor 736-414? Fnse estimates Code. Sec. 801 01) quires remain Publisher XHiroCAmTLE XXII Sections 86003 and 8005 ot the Calilomia Administrative uoaej. Advertiser represents that all advertising copy is truthful and not misleading.

Advertiser shall indemnify and hold Publisher harmless from I hi nni iimiiod in riaimn lor lihal invasion ol orivacv. commercial appropriation of one nameot likeness, cop account of any state or federal statute, including state and federal deceptive trade practices acts. II Advertiser ton or contract or on advertisem*nt, otherwise copyright ownership shall rciYia. rffis flTIHPrnKllH i nro jTnfiygMt-TOrfi Tiirna iTTgl.

The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.