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TTfe 'Village Smithy

lobal-Minded Amway Goes Up, Up and Away BY FRAN SMITH

A popular song of rather recent vintage might best typify Amway Corporation, that no-longer-little-company-out-in-Ada.

The title of the song is "Wouldn't You Like to Ride in My Beautiful Balloon" . . . a portion of the lyrics which reflect the "up, up and away" history of the company.

Little more than 10 years ago, there was nothing much along the banks of the Grand River at M-21 in Ada except swamps and trees. Tody, a sprawling complex of of-fices, laboratories, mixing rooms, bottling and aerosol departments and warehouses are being joined by still more of the same.

There is more to Amway than just the facilities at Ada, however. Flung out to many points of the Western Hemisphere are sales people and a distribution network

for home products that, like Topsy, just grows and grows and grows.

Reachinc these sales people is a big job for Amway s top executives, but it is a task made easier with the advent of a full-fledg-aviation division.

Virtually every day of the week, some-one is taking off from or arriving at Am-way's hangar at Kent Countv Airport aboard the sleek Lockheed Jetstar or the slower, but highly-serviceable Aero Com-mander that is used for short "local" hops hops to Midwest cities.

These two aircraft have, in effect, be-come "flying offices" for company execu-tives and top distribution personnel.

We were privileged to be aboard the Jet-star recently on a fast trip to New York during which we watchea chief pilot Walt

As if the world doesn't have enough headaches, folks are confronted with an ordinance in Lowell that is well-intentioned but not totally practical in its application.

You may read about it elsewhere in this week's offering, but in essence it callsfor ticketing of cars left with motors running (who ever shuts off the engine in THIS kind of weather?) and parked on city streets between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. when the job of snow removal is supposed t o . . . but doesn't a l w a y s . . . take place.

The matter of parking tickets has been long a sore point with me . . . or at least since the time 1 was put under detention by the gendarmes in my old hometown of Mount Clemens on a Sunday morning just as 1 was visualizing the prospect of an 18-hole golf match.

"What's the matter, officers?" I asked ss they stood menacingly outside the front door.

"Come down to the station with us," said the bigger of the two. "We want to discuss the matter of some tickets with you!"

This, of course, threw me for a loop be-cause, to the best of my knowledge, 1 had no tickets pending against my record.

Despite my protestations to this effect, I was required to take a trip in the cruiser to see the lieutenant on duty.

I was seething more than a little after he produced copies of tickets dating back several y e a r s . . . all of them bearing the description and license plate numbers of various cars I had owned.

There had to be an explanation, but 1 had none. If they weren't MY tickets, to whom did they belong?

I made a quick phone call to the judge, who had been a boyhood friend and next door neighbor for several years. After outlining the problem, he decided that some of the tickets must be legitimate and ordered that I pay for whatever number seemed reasonable. , I did this with some misgivings and re-quested that I be delivered safely back to my abode. "You'll have to have someone pick you-up," I was told.

I was calling the judge again when the boys in blue decided maybe they should fulfill the request.

On arriving home. Good Firend Wife asked what it was all about. After all, it isn't every Sunday morning that you hus-band gets arrested and hauled down to the pokey!

"Some d d fool has been giving us parking tickets that 1 don't even know about," I said as calmly as my mood would permit.

"Oh, I got a few of them, but it wasn't anything to worry about," said GFW.

"How many?" I asked, trying to over-come an urge to instantly throttle this woman I had taken for my own some 10 to 12 years before.

"Probably not more than four or five. Maybe six or seven," she replied.

"And you've been asked to pay for them?"

"Well, the notices were sent to you, but 1 guess you never saw them."

Not wishing to commit homicide on the spot, I went golfing.

Probably no one would have blamed me if 1 had never returned.

• • •

Haven't heard too much about the sale bf license plates, and I know 1 haven't got-ten around to buying mine yet, but there doesn't seem to be a major rush on to get the new tags.

Secretary of State Jim Hare, who de-parts his position soon after a long and dis-tinguished career, made a major boo-boo in approving the colors. They're hard to read and don't hardly go with anything less than a solid gold Cadillac!

In fact, you might say they are akin to a wart. They don't look too good, but in due time I suppose they'll grow on you!

Drug Abuse Topic in Alto

Detective Phillip Helsel of the Kent County Sheriffs Department vice and nar-cotics division will be guest speaker at a special meeting of the Alto Mothers Club next Tuesday, January 27.

The meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Alto School all-purpose room and is open to the public. Parents of Lowell Area School children are urged to attend.

Deputy Helsel will discuss issues relating to law enforcement, drug abuse and the dangers of narcotics.

ROSIE DRIVE INN - This week's special: Chili Dogs - 1 5 cents. c41


L e t e r - S i i t a r k n l i f e ^ J Serving Lowell, Ada, Cascade and Eastern Kent County

VOL 76 NO. 41 THURSDAY. JANUARY 22. 1970 NEWSSTAND PRICE 10 cents VOL. 15 NO. 42

Seven Candidates File Petitions to Force February 16 Primary

Receipt of nominating petitions from seven candida tes . . . three of them wom-en . . . has created the necessity of a rare primary election to determine six qualifiers for the annual city election for three coun-cil seats in Lowell.

It is believed to be the first time in Low-ell voting history that this number of the distaff side have sought election at the same time.

The seven candidates whose petitions were presented to City Clerk Laura Shep-ard before the filing deadline at 5 p.m. Monday arej. j

Carlen wji/crson, incumbent, of 705 North Monroe;

Avery Block of 1301 Sibley Drive, for-mer chief of police for the city;

Herbert R. Jones, 826 East Main St.;

Dr. Herbert Mueller, O.C., 216 River-side Drive;

Mrs. Virginia Myers, incumbent, 407 North Division Street;

Mrs. Alice Rittersdorf, 415 Hunt Street; and

Mrs. Laura Rogers of 1264 Valley Vista Drive. -

Barring withdrawal of one or more, these seven names will appear on the pri-mary election ballot in Lowell on Monday, February 16, when city voters will, for the first time, use newly-installed voting ma-chines.

Closing time for the elections will be at 8 p.m. However, all voters who are in line at that time will be permitted to vote.

Election clerks will assist voters requir-

ing instruction on how to use the voting machine.

As in the past, absentee paper ballots will be available al the city clcrk's office for those voters who will be out of the city on election day.

With a field of seven candidates in the running, all of whom have friends and back-ers interested in their candidacies, Lowell politicos are predicting a record vote in both the primary and the regular election.

The year 1970 will see the Lowell elec-torate making four separate trips to the polling places. In addition to the two local spring elections, voters will be called upon to ballot in the state primary in late sum-mer and again in the November general election.

OK Move to Establish City Codes

Declaring that codes regulating housing, plumbing, electrical and fire inspections, were long overdue, the Lowell city council at its Monday meeting instructed Mayor Arnold Wittenbach to appoint a representa-tive committee to write up the codes.

The mayor appointed a seven-man com-mittee made up of City Manager Blaine E. Bacon, Fire Chief Frank Baker, Clark Fltt-cher, Dave Clark, and Councilmen Herb Reynolds and Carlen Anderson.

Bacon will act as chairman of the group. It is expected that city planning consul-tant John Paul Jones will sit in on the com-mittee meetings.

According to the city manager, Lowell is faced with the possibility of making use of Federal assistance in urban renewal pro-jects senior housing, and other government housing projects. Before the city can quali-fy for these developments, however, feder-al agencies must be assured that Lowell had adopted the necessary codes.

In another order of business, the city solons passed a resolution authorizing the city attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire a strip of land be-tween the new cemetery property and the city airport.

A communication from the Michigan Li-quor Control Commission seeking council approval of the renewal of liquor licenses of Lowell taverns was read.

Council was in unanimous agreement that all local taverns should have their li-censes renewed.

G.R. Twp. Permits Top $3-Million

Building construction in Grand Rapids Township for 1969 totalled $3,208,004, according to Building Inspector Raymond Miller.

During the past year. Miller issued a to-tal of 142 permits. Of these, 55 were for new houses, totaling $1,089,000, and 46 permits for house additions amounting to $208,464.

One permit was for a motel at an esti-mated cost of $1,100,000, while three oth-er permits were issued for construction of three churches in the township.

Two office buildings were erected at a cost of $158,000, while three office addi-tions were built at a total cost of $61,000. Miller issued 24 permits for garages, and five for swimming pools amounting to $12,4%. Two signs were erected at a cost of $10,000 , duo liii»cci*tiiicuuS COiiSiiuC-tion came to $25,000, the building inspec-tor reported.

At last week's meeting, the township board granted Miller a $1,000 salary in-crease, which brings his yearly salary to $7,000.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT - Lowell police officen Mike Olsen (Left) and Sg t James Hutson assist accident "victim" under the supervision of Chief Barry Em-mons (right). The officers responded to simulated airplane crash in woods near city.

Ordinance Criticized, Defended by Officials

Last year, when Lowell city officials adopted an ordinance to regulate traffic on local streets, they failed to reckon with a power greater than themse lves . . . namely the weather!

Provisions of Ordinance No. 42 are not unreasonable in normal weather, but when it snows and the temperature.hovers near zero . . . things change drastically.

That's why a first-class debate is shaping up with members of the city council taking different viewpoints and the police depart-ment apparently caught in between.

One disputed portion of the ordinance makes it illegal to leave a vehicle with mo-tor running unattended on city streets.

"Many car owners are being harrassed by the police," says one city official. "The ordinance says we can't keep motors run-ning on a city street, but if a motorist has a hard time getting a car started, it is only natural to want to keep the car going.

"Certainly it isn't fair to ticket them for running into a store and out again in a min-ute or so; yet that is what my complain-ants tell me is happening."

Ordinance 42 needs to be re-written and many items should be omitted," the official concluded.

Another city official doesn't agree. "The law is the law. and the people have

got to live by it. How can one draw the line; if a car owner is in violation and gets a traffic ticket,weli that 's it; the police are only doinc iheii duty."

There is another side of the picture, too. A spokesman for the police has this to say:

"Our biggest problem is the violator who deliberately obstructs traffic, or parks on

the city sidewalk, or in front of the thea-ter.

"We think all citizens know that all-night parking on any street in Lowell is prohibited, and for this reason we feel it our duty to ticket the car owner who is in violation of this no-parking regulation," the spokesman concluded.

Only one thing is certain in all of the shouting: The weatherman is ready to dump tons of snow on the area, and invari-ably follows this meterological phenomen-on with freezing temperatures. And that could mean more trouble for motorists, council members and police all over again!

LOWELL BEER STORE-Open every day and evening until 10 p.m. Sunday until 9 p.m. c- od

Seek Clues in Theft of Copper

Lowell police, assisted by detectives from the Kent County Sheriffs and Grand Rapids department, today were on the lookout for thieves who took $600 worth of copper from a local firm.

Richard Curtis of Curtis Distributing Co., 324 W. Main, reported that a large carton containing copper parts had been taken early last Thursday morning from the Hudson Street side of his office build-ing.

The carton had been left there by a truck driver. According to the police, the thieves must have spotted the carton and took off with it. The box weighed about 200 pounds.

Three shoplifters, caught in the act of taking goods out of the Eberhard Super Market, 1335 W. Main, were apprehended by Lowell police in three separate thefts.

According to the officers, Mary Ellen Lambert, 19, of 301 N. West St.. Lowell, was observed by a store employee taking articles out of the store without paying for them. Police gave her an appearance ticket dated January 21 before District Judge Joseph B. White, Jr.

Also arrested on the charge of shoplift-ing was Sharon Ann Stiles, 23, of 241 Donna Drive. Taken before Judge White, she pleaded guilty and was fined $25, $10 costs and $3 judgement fee.

Arrested on the charge of simple lar ceny at Eberhard's market on Monday was Gloria Rose Sanders, 40, of 2848 Snow Ave., Lowell Township. She was given an appearance ticket by the police with a court date set before Judge White on Jan-uary 28.

Blame Flu

for Student Absenteeism

An outbreak of flu in the Forest Hills school district has caused a high percentage of absenteeism, according to Jack Lane of the administrative staff.

At least 220 high school students were reported missing from class Monday and another 84 were absent in the junior high.

"This is extremely high absenteeism," said Lane, "and most of it can be blamed on the flu. Many students have complained of high temperatures, headaches and sore throats."

Students this week will have Friday off while teachers mark semester cards, which wil l te issued to junior high students on January 28 and to senior high students on January 30.

There has been a slight increase in teacher absenteeism, according to one school official, and this also is believed due to the flu outbreak.

Lowell school officials report that at-tendance in all classes except one has been "average for this time of year."

Friday is also a day off for Lowell stu-dents following completion of exams this week. Half-day schedules were scheduled Wednesday and Thursday.

Lag Disturbs FH Officials Forest Hills School board members did

not originally support the proposal for es-tablishment of vocational skill centers in Kent County and now find themselves in the middle of wiia<. could develop into a county-wide hassle over the new educatian-al facilities.

Board members met last week with Kent Intermediate District officials and other school authorities in an effort to get ans -wers to a number of questions.

The board, through a spokesman, issued this statement to the Ledger-Suburban Life:

"We met last week with the Kent Inter-mediate Board to talk over problems involv-ing the Kent skills center now under ad-visem*nt. Future meetings will be schedul-ed to reach a mutually-satisfactory under-standing and agreement."

Buchko and co-pilot Don Reininger at work!* high above the clouds. &

A resident of Ada, Buchko is typical of p the business-suit pilots who man a grow-ing fleet of company-owned aircraft oper-ating throughout the world.

"This is a great aircraft," he declared, jy pointing out that the Jetstar is equipped with hack-up safety devices designed to ^ meet any emergency. The hydraulic system, :£ in fact, has thiee separate c o m p o n e n t s . . . iji-any one of which would work in the event o j ; failure o f the other two.

Buchko says he has never been confront-ed with an emergency situation in more g than 6.800 hours at the controls of a varie- i;:; ty of aircraft. He has not yet flown a heli-copter, but it's a safe bet he would have little difficulty learning to handle a whirly- % bird.

Due to the greater range (2,000 miles) •£ of the Jetstar, Buchko's job has taken him to virtually every point of the United States and many parts of Canada. The schec ule usually works out in such a way that heo can spend time at home on weekends, how- i ever.

Buchko did relatively little flying when he first joined Amway. but as the work load$ increased it became apparent that the com pany was, in truth, going "up. up and Amway

"There was much discussion about form-ing an aviation division," he recalls. "I 'm proud to say that we have one of the finest corporate aviation setups to be found any-where in the country."

The Jetstar is housed in a newly-remod- §: eled hangar at Kent County Airport, which g: served as the site this past weekend of the $: company's annual Christmas party.

It was in this hangar that we first met $ Rich DeVos, who founded Amway with gi Jay VanAndel, both of whom have been air-minded for many years, dating back to operating a flying school after World War II.

It took about an hour and 15 minutes for the 550-mile an hour flight from Grand Rapids to Tereboro, N. J. and only slightly i longer for the return trip, both made at efe-; vations above 30.000 feet.

DeVos spent much of the brief time alof^ discussing projects with a half-dozen com-pany executives who made the trip East. Oii the return trip, using an attache case S for a desk, he poured through several volu- •:•: minous reports.

Buchko also took time out from the S neatly-arranged co*ckpit on the return trip g to "talk shop" with DeVos with much of the conversation relating to future plans for:?; the aviation division. ^

"There isn't much doubt but that Am- S way will eventually get into a bigger jet," » Buchko says. "When we first got the let- ;§ star, we thought it would satisfy our needs j* for several years to come. But it looks like we'll have to set up a new timetable."

"It used to be that LaGuardia Airport or Newark would handle most business air-craft for New York while commercial planes used Kennedy," he declared. "Now they don't even want you near the place.'

As a result, company aircraft like Am-way's Jetstar aie sent to other airports like Teterboro, where a wide assortment of pla . . . and company execut ives . . . were busily s h u t t l i ^ i n and out of the metropol-S »• |

Buchko, who has flown for Eastern Air- x lines. Northwest Orient, Northern Air Serv-ji ice and the Cleveland-based Republic Steel Company, feels safer traveling at near the S speed of sound with 35,000 feet of air be- jiji tween him and the ground than he docs $• driving a car. ^

En route to New York City from the air-:j:j port, he looked forlornly at hundreds of i|i| cars and trucks that clogged the highway.

H ' d much rather take my chances up there," he said, nodding toward the sky. g

After watching a huge semi-trailer rig al- -i;: most blow us off the road, we had to agree.i:;;

Among the questions that will need ans-wering, according to several sources, is the matter of construction and administration of a proposed center on East Beltline in the Forest Hills District.

A number of Grand Rapids educators have proposed that a skills center designed to serve the city be built, at an estimated cost of $3.5-miUion, and that construction be dove-tailed with other pending projects to create a full educational complex.

The board also was scheduled to open bids Tuesday night for sale of $700,000 in bonds. Construction of new junior high school facilities and renovation of the pres-ent high school, both slated for completion before next Fall, cannot start until the bonds are sold.


Wil l Discuss

Caledonia Millage Members of the Caledonia Board of Ed-

ucation, together with School Superinten-dent Harold E. Whipple, will meet in spe-cial session Thursday, January 22, to con-sider millage and facility needs of the school district for the next year.

Reason for the special meeting is to pre-pare information to the public before a possible millage election set for March 16, a date which has been chosen as a county-wide "school millage election day."

TTfe Leter-Siitarkn life - [PDF Document] (2)

Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life Servinc Lowell, the Forest Hills area and southeastern Kent County. Published every Thursday morning at 105 N. Broadway, Lowell, Michigan 49331. Entered at the Post Office at Lowell, Michigan, as second class matter.

Publisher and Editor Business Manager Photographer Special Correspondent

Ada-Cascade Area

... Francis E. (Fran) Smith Fatt Bambrkk

Kevin Smith

Shirley Dygert 676-3721

Staff Mem ben: Algene Feuerstein, Marguerite MacNaughton, A.P. Smith, Kit Smith.

Subscription rates: $3.50 with Kent and Ionia Counties; $4.50 elsewhere.

Civ icCa lendor

Monday, January 26: Ada Township board meeting. 7:30 p.m., township hall. City of Lowell planning commission. 8 p,m., city hall.

Winter Projects Interest Alto Grade Students

Eskimo cookies and igloos have been occupying the atten-tion of the second graders of the Alto Elementary School these snowy days.

All of this has been brought about by their study of Eski-mos and their preparation of a special school showcase for Feb-ruary.

Cheryl Graham brought an Eskimo cookie recipe and many of the other students are now trying it out at home after tast-ing the samples the teacher made.

They are making igloos out of whipped soap flakes and soor they will learn "The Igloo" square dance in gym class.

Because of their preoccupation with igloos, several of the children decided to build an igloo outdoors out of large snow-balls.

The teacher on playground supervision was on guard to pro-tect the snow engineering project from the older boys who seemed to be passing threatening glances in the direction of the igloo.

The igloo was almost finished when the bell rang and the teacher waited patiently for the playground to clear. Just when the teacher finally felt it safe to leave the igloo and go indoors,

. she saw three little seven-year-old girls dash out from behind a ; comer and begin stomping the igloo to the ground. i And to think she suspected the BOYS!

* * *

The fifth graders have been studying a unit on space and our solar system. This unit is more fascinating than ever with the current space program and moon exploration constantly in the news.

The Apollo moon mission was followed closely and one stu-dent even shared her television set so that the latest splashdown could be viewed in the classroom.

Several of the boys were so intrigued with the moon's sur-face, they made a paper mache model of it, complete with the L B ! spacecraft.

Census Takers Visit Eastern Kent County area residents will be visited in Janu-

^ ary by representatives of the Bureau of the U. S. Census who are conducting a survey on consumer buying and home im-provement plans.

Sample questions by the census reporters include expecta-tions for buying a home, a car, or major appliance during the year, or whether home improvements and repairs are planned.

All answers are kept confidential by law, and infoimation obtained will be used only for statistical purposes.

This instructor offers an approach to piano play-ing in the belie f that it fulfills a great need on the part of the "average" student.

The feel that the student cannot give the time, concentration and sustained effort required to at-tain an expert status need not deny him the pleas-ure of piano playing.

Wm. H. Heffron 2294 Buttrick Rd.. Ada



Second in Series on City Government: Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life, January 22 ,1970

Manager's Duties Are Many and Varied


(EdKor'i Note: ThU it the wcond in a •cries of columns written for the purpoie of reporting ind explaining the operation! of Lowell city de-partments. The first several columns will deal with the structure of municipal government ind duties of various officers, this week: the City Manager.) \

The city manager is the chief admini-strative officer of the city, (exception in Lowell is the electric utility which operates under its own board and administrative officer).

The manager is responsible for the en-forcement of laws and ordinances, super-vision of administrative officers and depart-ments, preparing an annual budget, em-

ployment of all city employees (except City Manager, City Attorney, Clerk and Treasurer), report to council on the work of the several offices, attend all meetings of the council, and to recommend to the council measures for the improvement of the city among his many other duties.

The'council-manager form of municipal government was originally devised and pro-moted by the National Short Ballot Or-gani/ation as a part of its effort to make government more responsible by reducing the number of elective offices. This group led by Woodrow Wilson and Richard S. Childs had heard about the success of a "general manager" in Staunton, Virginia

in 1908-1911 under a mayor and bicameral council.

The first city to adopt the council-mana-ger plan as drafted by the Short Ballot Or-ganization was Sumter, South Carolina in 1912 and the first large city to adopt the plan was Dayton, Ohio in 1914,

On January 1, 1969 there were 2,252 places in the United States and Canada with the plan. Of this number, 633 places were cities under 5,000 population.

Three Michigan cities have operated under the council-manager plan since 1914. Of 528 incorporated cities and villages in Michigan on January 1 ,1969 ,159 were council-manager cities.


Acquisition of the O'Brien Funeral Home at 3980 Cascade Road SE has been announced by David Gerst.

The mortuary will be renamed O'Bnen-Gerst Funeral Home under the new management, Gerst said.

A native of Traverse City, Gerst was graduated f rom Wayne State University in 1954 and had been associated with the Har-per-Mulligan Funeral Home in Detroit for the past 10 years.

The 40-year-old Gerst served in the Marines during the Kor-*30 War and attained the rank of sergeant. He and his wife, Joyce, and four children, Susan, David, Mark and Pamela, will reside in the Forest Hills area.

Jay VanAndel, Chairman of the Board and Richard DeVos, President of Amway Corporation have announced the appoint-ment of J. Austen Wood to the post of Vice President in charge of Corporate Development. In his new position. Wood will as-sume responsibility for corporate develdpment including for-

eign operations. Wood, who immigrated to the United States in 1950, was

b»rn in England. He is a graduate of Kimbolton School, Hunt-ingdonshire, England. He first visited the United States in 1941 as a Midshipman in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and completed flying training at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Pen-sacola, Florida.

Wood and liis wife Judith reside at 6884 Ada Drive, Ada.


A local man has been elected vice president in charge of sales administration for the Foremost Insurance Company ac-cording to R. E. Riebel, president of the Grand Rapids home

office. , • James W. Jarrad of 529 Forest Hill SE assumed his new re-

sponsibilities as of January 1. Jarred, formerly with the Michigan Department of Insur-

ance joined Foremost in I 9 5 4 * s an underwiting manager and was elected an assistant vice preadent, jgency department, in 1961. He earned his BS degree at Michigan Jfcate Unlfcrsity in East Lansing! ^ . . •

He is active in civic a f fa i r t ind was an uAsucceiilul candidate for the Forest Hills School.boatd in 1^68:

Foremost specializes in writing mobile home and recreational vehicle incurance in all states excef {Hawaii.

Two Escape

as Snowmobile

Hits Train Robert Hendrick, 13, of Alto, and Carol

DeGood, 24, of Holland, had a narrow es-cape Sunday when the snowmobile in which they were riding was smashed by a C&O train near Alto.

Kent County Sheriff Deputy Don Har-r ingtonsaidboth were ridinnin a nearby field vflten they neared the rcilroad tracks.

Robert told deputies he stopped within 10 feet of the tracks, and when he thought he was clear, started to cross tracks.

He said they were in the center of the track when he noticed the approaching en-gine. Both jumped clear as the train hit the snowmobile.

Honor Heemstra Ford's Aide Here Friday At a recent convention of the Michigan

Townships Association, Cascade Township Supervisor Al Heemstra was awarded a plaque for "outstanding achievement."

A total of 1,287 townships in Michigan were represented by officers at the 17th an-nual convention.

Heemstra was handed a plaque by execu-tive director Joe Parisi on behalf ot the Cit-izens for Quality Government committee.

Inexpensive I Efficient!

Want Ads


Is year college stadent leoesome? Whea the Ledwi arrives each wsek It's like an extra letter from home. Order gift subscrlptloes now from the Lowell Ledger-Snh-urban Life.


Union Bank Reports

Improved Profits in 69 Union Bank and Trust Company reports that profits improv-

ed in 1969. Results were reported for the first time under new accounting methods prescribed by Federal regulatory agencies.

Under the new method, provision for joan losses and also gains or losses on securities transactions are taken into account in arriving at "net income." Previously these items were not in-cluded in the profit and loss statement and banks reported "net operating earnings" only.

Union Bank and Trust Company netted $5.33 per share ver-sus a restated $4.80 the previous year. The restated 1968 per share earnings figure is adjusted for comparison purposes to show earnings in accordance with the new accounting methods and on the 300,000 shares now outstanding. A stock dividend distributed in 1969 increased total shares from 200,000 to 300,000.

Total net income of $1,598,854.01 was reported for 1969, an increase of $159,129.23 or 11.05%\)ver 1968. Total depos-its of $236,702,188.99 at year end Ve r^down about one half of one perceitt from the 1968 year end. Capital funds increasec $840,386.24 to high of $15,943,153.05.

Commission Honors Former City Attorney

The State Highway Commission has announced that trav-el information centers near New Buffalo and Coldwater will be named in honor of former State Highway Commission-ers Ardale W. Ferguson and Richard F. VanderVeen.

VanderVeen. a member of the law firm of VanderVeen, Friehofer and Cook who have offices in Lowell and Grand Rapids, is a former city attorney for Lowell. He has served on the Commission from its inception until July of 1969. He is a former chairman of the State Mental Health Com-mission.

The Coldwater center will bear VanderVeen's name. A contemporary structure faced with Michigan fieldstone, it is situated beside northbound Interstate 69 Freeway near the Indiana border. It has been in use since last January.

Nine information centers, situated mainly at border points around the state, are serving more than 850,000 vis-itors a year.

Congressman Gerald R. Ford announc-ed today that special assistant Gordon E. Vander Till will hold office hours on his behalf in Lowell this Friday (January 23) in the City Council Room from 2 : 3 0 - 5 p.m.

Ford urged that all Lowell area residents needing help with a problem or simply wishing to express their views on national and international issues talk with his special assistant. No appointments are necessary.

This special community service is pro-vided by the Congressman in order to meet the needs of the people in his congression-al district as fully as possible.

A fulltime district office at 425 Cherry St. S.E., Grand Rapids is also maintained by Ford. Vander Till is headquartered there, and also visits communities through-out Kent and Ionia counties.

An unusual film presents "The Russian Paa£ant" in histori-cal perspective. A phone call to Kent County Library, 459-0575, will reserve it for your group or home use without charge.



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.218 E. Main Street, Lowell, Mich.

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FEBRUARY 1,1970 All Parts, Labor, and Service

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This will provide our customers-longer credit extension, more punctual and accurate billing, confirmation of charges, budget payments, etc. If you contemplate requiring credit from our parts and service department, please contact us so that we can procure your personal master charge card.

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Sullivans . . . this photo shows only a fraction of the carpet you have to choose from at Sullivans Riverview Furniture, Bridge St. at the bridge.


Sullivans - have now carpeted 18,752 homes, that 's why we're No. 1. We want your home to be next.


n .. TV Show Features Alto ar V ine Y-Indian Program

Mrs. Orton (Wanda) Seese 868-4321


I'm going to use my column space this week for something I feel is very important. I have talked to many people this win-ter, concerning this issue, and have heard many different points of view. So, after listening to both sides, I'm going to stick my neck out and put in my two cents worth.

There were two serious snowmobile accidents in the Alto area this past week. One involved a barbed wire fence, and a person hurt. The other involved a train. The snowmobile was demolished, luckily no one was hurt.

Anyone who owns one will say they are as safe as cars. Some say s a f e r . . . but only if they are handled rightVl here are laws for owners to go by, but without common courtesy, and good old-fashioned horse sense, these laws are useless.

I have heard gripes from land owners. One party complain-ed of snowmobiles being driven through the front yard and around the house at 3 a.m.

Last Saturday night there were at least three of them going up and down 64th Street in front of Windy Nob. The tracks showed them to be pretty close to the center line. There is a blind spot, a dip in the road, just east of the Nob. When a car going West goes into the dip and another car is going up the hill to the east you cannot see the headlights. During the day it is worse; there are no lights at all. One split second of care-lessness can be dangerous at best.

The snowmobile is here t o stay with more and more of them in use every year. So there has to be a place for them to run. Our city cousins have parks. Here in the country it is more difficult.

I'm sure there must be some farmers close by, who have fields large enough for this use and many farmers who would be glad to let you "snow-men" use their fields. But ask before you go tearing across their farms. If the farmer says no, respect his word. After all it is his land. Whether he has fences or not, he still owns it.

Lay out your trails during the day and then stick to them at night. Barbed wire and related obstacles are hard to see at night.

When possible, stay away from roads and highways. At least slow down when you are near one.

Above ail, stay away from railroad right-ot-ways! So there is untracked snow on the other side. Fine. Go get permission to mess up that snow, then get there the lawful, safe way.

Stay away from hunters: and don't chase birds and animals, it's against the law.

A few careless snowmobilers can spoil it for all of you.


Paul and Donna Blocher went to Sparta Friday night to help Mr. and Mrs. Don Goepzka celebrate Don's birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pitsch honored Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murray with a fifth anniversary dinner on Thursday night. Mrs. Barbara Murray and Pat were also present.

Barbie and Mark Everett spent Friday with their Aunt Sher-ri (Murray) while their mother, Mrs. Pauline Everett was in Grand Rapids OsteopathiCHospital undergoing testy

The Orton Seese family e.ijoyed a fish dinner with the Ray Murrays on Friday evening, t h e evening was spent teaching Ort and Ray to play euchre, and viewing slides of several hunting trips, and our fishing trip to Canada.

^ .Mrs. Joyce Phillips and children of Lowell were late after- .1 noon Qall^rs at the Orton Seeses on Sunday.

'A^n<iipiininifwr>r i r x m n n ~i"i~ "•* ~

Snow Area M a . S . P . b j r M l i s

There will be a sewing bee at Snow Christian Center on Tuesday, January 27, beginning at 10:30 a.m. for the purpose of making blankets for foreign countries.

Mrs. Henry Froese of 28ih Street called on Mrs. Alice Rey-nolds Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chapin and family of Sanford spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Dalstra.

Mrs. Alice Reynolds was a dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Blanding and MJI'IS.

Snowmobiling seems to be the order of the day around this neighborhood with snowmobiles sailing over all the farms.

Mr. and Mrs. Menno Baker have been calling on Mrs. Jacob Bush of Fruitport who is a surgical patient at Ferguson's Hos-pital in Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Bertran called on Mrs. Peter VanderMate of Grandville Sunday afternoon.

Menno Baker received an outstanding service award in dairy-ing last Wednesday evening at Caledonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Wright Smith of Grand Rapids called on Mr. and Mrs. Menno Baker Sunday afternoon.

RECEIVES WMU DEGREE Among the 270 Western Michigan University studenb who

were awarded advanced degrees at the close of the fall semes-ter was Gene Maynard Smith, of 7325 Sheffield, Ada. He grad-uated with a Masters degree in Geography.

The YMCA Y- Indian Guides program will be shown in ac-tion in an exciting episode of the Julia TV show called "Sioux Me - Don't Woo Me."

In the episode, which will be aired January 27 at 8:30 p.m., Julia, a young widow, gets into complications when she tries to find a "father" for her young son Corey so he can go to In-dian Guide meeting. The Y-Guides, which promote com-panionship of fathers and small | sons, insist they attend meet-ings together.

Julia's young son as an In-dian guide is one of more than 325,000 real life members in 21,500 Indian Guide clubs across the country.

The organization was found ed in the St. Louis YMCA in 1926 with lore from Joe Fri-day, an Objibway Indian.

An Indian Guide tribe con-sists of six to nine fathers and their sons. Tribes meet twice a month for one hour in the homes of the members. Each tribe runs its own business and plans its own program with assistance from the coun-cil and the YMCA. V Jj


The program for each tribes' home meetings depend largely upon the interests of the members. Meetings include such acti-vities as: Movies, handicraft, games, stories, singing, trips de-votions, and refreshments.

The Grand Rapids YMCA, of which the Lowell YMCA is a branch, has a total of 104 tribes numbering 1,500 fathers and their sons.

An organizational meeting will be held at the Lowell 'Y' offices on Friday, January 30 at 7:30 p.m., and will be open to any father and son who wish to attend. Refreshments will be served^For further information, call the 'Y' at 897-7375.

List Area Chairmen

for FluorideCampaign Two area' chairmen have been appointed to serve in the 1970

Summer Topical Fluoride Program, according to Dr. W. B. Pro-thro, director of the Kent County Health Department.

They are: Mrs. Ervin Church, who will head the Lowell and Alto area, and Mrs. Karen Prins, who will be in charge of Cas-cade and Ada districts.

The program, supervised by state and county health depart-ments, will be made available to certain pre-schoolers, second, fifth and eighth graders and to special cases referred by dentists depending upon whether or not they drink fluoridated water and how long they have been receiving its benefits.

The procedure consists of four visits to the fluoride clinic at two-day intervals. The child's teeth are cleansed on the first visit and a fluoride solution is applied directly to their surfaces. The fluroide application is repeated in the three succeeding visits. This technique has been shown to reduce tooth decay by about 40 percent, compared to the 60 to 65 percent reduc-tion obtained with fluoridated water, according to the Health Department.

In addition to providing protection against cavities, the pro-gram offers a valuable dental experience for children with no discomfort. Dental health education by clinic personnel, in-cluding instruction in the proper method of brushing, also is an important part of the program.

Parents interested in the fluoride program are requested to contact Mrs. Church at 868-6685. The clinic for Mrs. Church's area will be at Alto Elementary School, and will service Alto, Bushnell, Runciman, Lowell Junior High, St. Mary and St. Pat-rick schools.

Mrs. Fritz may be contacted at 949-0821. The clinic in her district will be Ada Elementary, Orchard View and Forest Hills Junior High and will service Orchard View, Ada Elemen-tary, Martin, Collins, Thomapple, Cascade, East Paris Chris-tian, Ada Christian and Forest Hills High Junior schools.

Reservations must be made before March 9 for the program beginning in May and continuing through the summer months.

Huber Tosses Hat

Lowell Ledger Suburban Life, January 22, 1970 3

WMU Library Features Rapid Research Aid

Western Michigan University Library will hold a luncheon meeting at the Student Center on campus on February 9 for representatives of the hundred libraries participating in the Southwestern Educational Library Project. The Project pro-vides rapid delivery ol items in the Library's research collec-tions to public, college, and business libraries in Southwestern Michigan.

The project began last fall. Since then, the University Li-brary has delivered more than a thousand items to libraries in the area, most of them reaching the borrowers within 48 hours.

Any eligible borrower may request his librarian to obtain research materials for him from the University Library. There is no charge lor the service, cither to the borrower or his local library. All expenses arc borne by Western Michigan Univer-jity as part of its total educational program in Southwestern Michigan.

All Southwestern MicHlgan libraries are participating in the project.


The Sales and Marketing Executives International Club of Grand Rapids will honor fifteen lop salesmen of the area with an "Oscar" at their annual banquet to be held on FebrOary 16. An additional award will go to the "Sales Executive of the Year."

Richard A. Myers of Amway Corporation is chairman of the event.

Snow Plow Operators into Senatorial Ring

Assist in Passing Driving too close to the vehicle ahead of you is dangerous

anytime of year, but even more so in winter when there may be snow on the pavement.

It's especially dangerous if the vehicle ahead of y o u is a heavy-duty truck rigged with a snow plow or underbody blade and machinery to spread sand and salt onto the highway.

"If you tailgate a sand or salt truck, it's possible that sand or salt chunks may fly into your windshield with enough force to break the glass," says Paul J. Marek, Michigan State Highway Department's engineer of maintenance.

"There's only one answer to this situation, said the main-tenance chief: Don't creep up behind a truck that is spread-ing san^l or salt.

The plow operator is involved in a series of complicated manuevers, including steering, adjusting the underbody blade and salt spreading equipment, and controlling the truck speed.

The operator must do all these things almost simultaneous-ly, and at the same time keep his truck going smoothly, watch for changes in terrain and remain alert to the presence of other vehicles. ' .

If you approach the truck from the rear, Marek said, stay far enough behind so that you are out of range of the whirling spinner and at the same time within range of the operator's rearview mirrors. Seeing is difficult in a snowstorm, so stay out of the blind spot directly bheind the truck body.

If you must pass and are in a position where the snow plow operator can see you, and no cars are coming toward you, move over into the left lane and accelerate slowly. The plow operator will slow down so that you can pass and get back into the right hand lane in as short a time as possible.

Another situation that may causc concern, said Marek, is when you meet a snowplow coming toward you. It may appear that the big vehicle is almost in the middle of the road.-It may be, in fact, a foot or two over the white line because the pave-ment must be plowed wide enough so the next run in the po-posite direction will not leave a windrow of snow in the middle of the road. When the operator sees you coming he will slow down and ease back into his own lane.

State Senator Robert J. Huber (R-Troy) has announced he will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for United States Senator in the 1970 state primary.

Hu^er took to the campaign trail last Friday evening by fly-ing to Traverse City to meet with Young Republicans of Michi-gan for his opening speech.

Sen. Huber, 47, former mayor of Troy where he served for six terms, also served four years on the Oakland County board of supervisors. He was elected to the Michigan Senate in 1964, and re-elected in41966.

In the State Senate, he serves as Chairman of the Senate State Affairs committee; chairman of the Joint Committee on Administration Rules; chairman of the Special Committee to Investigate Colleges and Ugiversities, and is a member of the Senate Corporations committee.

Hub$r serves on the Board of Directors of the Troy Nation-al Bank, and also is a director of the Alloy Steel Corp.

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Bursitis and Shoulder Pain

A Bursa u a small fluid filled sac located between adjacent muscles or between a bone and a liga-ment . . . The bursa serves to re-duce friction and protect the mov-ing muscles o; ligaments. Inflama-tion or irritation of a bursa is re-ferred to as Bursitis. Bursitis is almost rlways due to abnoimal movement or altered po-sition of those structures that the bursa is supposed to protect. Such an altered position or movement of a muscle or bone tends to squeeze the buna or "bind" a-

Sst it With increased pressure, i causes irritation and inflama-

tion of the bursa. The term Bursitis is most fre-quently used when pain due to km of the smooth rhythmic move-ment of the rfioulder girdle is considered. The coordinated movement of the shoulder depends upon the ex-tremely fine coordination of the shoulder muscles and the nerves that supply them. Ihe nerves which supply the shoulder musc-les and provide the precision of movement exit the spine through small openings between adjacent spinal segments in the neck. Should a fall, accident or gradual postural change force one of the spinal segments into an abnormal position or limit its range of move-ment, the size and shape of the nerve opening may be altered. The nerves which supply the shoul-der muscles suffer initation as they pass through the altered openings in the spine. The shoul-der muscles that are supplied by the injured nerves lose a degree of coordination. The shoulder structures fail to function smooth-ly with resulting initation of the bursa. The specialized care offered by the chiropractic profession pro-vides effective cuiiccijun of ilic causes contributing to Bursitis.

Dr. J. WeUman Lowell

897-8284 L , T. L. Davis Cascade 949-8200



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Losing Streaks Continue to Plague Cage Teams Arrows Drop 6th

in Row to Broncos

Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life,

January 22. 1970

EYE FOR AN EYE? Players, officiali and cheerleaders peer intently for a contact lens lost by East Grand Rapids' Steve Wal-ters during game with Forest Hills. Walters found the delicate l e n s . . . and East found the range in a 69-55 victory.

Rangers Win/ess at Halfway Mark Coach Larry Wilson and his Forest Hills High basketball

team reached the halfway mark of the 1969-70 season this week still looking for Win No. 1.

The Rangers open the second part of the campaign at Hud-sonville this Friday night and will need an upset of major proportions to slop the high-flying Falcons, who have emerg-ed as a power in the O-K Red Division.

Despite eight straight losses, Wilson and his cagers remain confident that things will start going their way soon.

"We have improved steadily all season long," said Wilson following a 69-55 loss to neighboring East Grand Rapids in a non-league game Friday. "Some night, we^re going to put it all together."

Forest Hills "put it together" for about half of the East Grand Rapids game, displaying effective teamwork and solid defense in the first quarter and midway through the second half.

Unfortunately, the Green and \Vhite cagers also had lapses during which the taller and stixjngcf Pioneers scored suffici-ent points to grab the victory.

Sparked by Rob McCormick and Scott Vashaw, both guards, the Rangers struck to a 17-16 lead at the end of the first period and remained in contention for half the second quarter before three straight baskets gave East a solid 32-20 lead.

Twice in the second half, the Rangers rallied to close the gap and were only down by six points, 54-48, with five min-utes left. But Walt Greg, Mike Creagan and Tom Auwers con nected to keep East in front.

Creagan led the winners with 15 points and the huskv forward cashed in most of llis si*»bas&Ks w«K nifty eitev''*' sive tip-ins. J ^ l l J ? ^

Ron VanderBaan toppedferes t Hilfe with 20 points with McCormick adding 17 and Vashaw 11.

Forest Hills dropped its sixth straight in league play on Tuesday vhen Wyoming Park, led by Tom Baumbach's 26, romped to a 70-55 victory. VanderBaan scored 18 for the Rangers, who managed to stay within range from the floor, but lost much of the advantage at the free throw line.

Swim Team Boosters init iate Paper Drive

The Forest Hills Swim Team Boosters Club would appre-ciate accumulations of old newspapers and magazines to be contributed to its drive which will be held on February 27 and 28.

For those unable to leave papers at the Forest Hills Recrea-tion Area parking lot, a pick-up service has been initiated. Call Mrs. Thomas Rens at 949-1454 or Mrs. Charles Vanden Berg at 949-1026.

The freshman team scored its sixth and seventh wins of the campaign, topping Park by a 56-47 score as Scott Vorel scored 15 and belting East Grand Rapids behind Bill Henne-veld's 29-point effort, 65-55.

The JVs dropped a 56-54 decision to East Grand Rapids in the final seconds as Steve Vonk tallied 13 and lost to Park by a 65-56 count despite Randy Lanning's 16. The JVs are now 3-5.

Wrestling Rarity:

Rangers Tie, 18-18 With all the po|sibilities and probabilities for scoring points,

a tie in dual wrestling is almost virtually without precedent . . . yet that's exactly what happened to Forest Hills High when the defending O-K Red Division champions took on the reigning titleholders from the Blue Division Monday.

on't Be Left Out in the Cold...Come See Jackson Motors'

Pickups ' 6 9 FORD - F100-360-V8 Engine. Automatic


Transmission, Radio. Like new, only 4 / / 00 miles. Save hundreds on this one, with fac-tory Warranty transferable to you.

DODGE - D100 - Economical 6 cylinder Engine. Standard Transmission. Choice of 2-one Red, one Green-Both real nice, low mileage Pickups.

' A R CHEVROLET - C10, 6 cylinder. Standard Transmission. Excellent condition through-out.





9 3 0 W . M a i n — T W 7 - 9 2 8 1 — L o w e l l

The result was an 18-all deadlock with Northview in which the final match went 15 secopds beyond the time limit when Referee John Baum failed to hear the final bell due to screaming of the fans.

The latter match saw Ranger heavyweight Holli> Locke lose by decision to Jim Alderink.

Every match was decided by decision with Jim Leyndyke's 18-J triumph most outstanding. Other winners for the kang-ers'Hvere Tee Witekl, Craig VanSluyters, John Pftcl, Bob Roy

Steve ScKiister!', . I1 ' " sL!*"* l a t e last-week, the Ranges scored an impressive 35-10

win over Red Division rival Kentwood as Jim DuShane, John Price and Bob Roy picked up consecutive wins by pinning their opponents.

Coach Chuck Mathews' squad alsoTmished second in the most prestigious tournament in the area . . . the Catholic Cen-tral-sponsored Tournament of Champions.

The event was won by Grand Rapids Unioti with 75 points followed by Forest Hills with 73 and wasn't decided until Doug Mosley of Union, rated one of the state's best at 165, scored a win by pin over Steve Schuster of the Rangers in a closely-contested match.

Individual championships were won by Tee Wietke at 98 pounds, Jim Leyndyke at 107 pounds and Craig VanSluyters at 137.

Wietke won in an overtime match against previously-un-defeated Ed Strach of Muskegon Catholic. He was also third in the balloting for the most outstanding wrestler of the tournament.

Weyndyke fought past two seeded opponents and defend-ing champ Al Fidelman of South Haven for a specatcular 4-2 win.

Van Sluyters won his third tournament victory when he decisioned over Tom Bancuk of Muskegon Catholic 2-0.

George McCarger was the runner-up in the 132-pound category. He was undefeated all the way until he met Ken Wil-son of Fruitport and lost, 3-1.

John Price, 147 pounder, wab a runner-up to Chris Ray-burn of Cedar Springs, losing that match 5-0,

Bob Roy, at 157 pounds, won three matches and lost one to earn third place. He won his consolation finals against Jim Tejchma of Muskegon Catholic 2-0.

Mathews said, "This was the best team effort by any For-est Hills team that 1 have seen. It was fantastic. I would com-pare it to the state meets I saw two or three years ago. And remember, these boys will come bouncing back to make the state meet this year."

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It will be a small wonder if Coach Jack Kempker doesn't wind up the 1969-70 basketball season with a full head of gray hair.

Kempker had every right to add a few more last week as his Lowell High School cagers went down to a heartbreaking 63-62 defeat at the hands of Coopersville.

The defeat was the sixth in a row for Lowell and left the Arrows uncomfortably close to the Tri-River Conference base-ment with a 1-6 mark. Only this week's home opponent, Corn-stock Park, has a worse league record at 0-7.

Kempker is at a loss to describe the Arrows' losing streak. "We keep missing too many foul shots and that's got a lot to do witli it," he says, "but we've got to correct other mistakes, too, if we hope to do better in the second half of the season."

Lowell's last victory came on December 5 over Comsiock Park by a score of 73-60.

The last three losses have been by a total of seven points, but Friday's defeat was especially disappointing to the Arrows, who had two opportunities to win the game from the free throw line in the final 11 seconds.

Trailing by a 58-53 count midway through the final quar-ter, Lowell had rallied to gain a 62-all tie with 50 seconds left following a basket by Sid Haywood.

Coopersville scored what proved to be the winning tally on the second of two free throws by Dale Brown with 40 seconds remaining in the game.

Center Ted Hoseth Was fouled with 11 seconds left, but failed to cash in on a one-and-one situation and two seconds later, after picking off the rebound. Forward Ken Roth was awarded a one-and-one but he, too, couldn't click from the penalty stripe.

Kempker noted that Brown played a fine game for the win-ners, but said the work of Doug Hendrickson, a sophom*ore substitute, really turned the tide for Coopersville. Hendrickson scored eight of his 14 points in the second half and finished only three points behind Brown for team scoring honors.

Denny DeWitt turned in his best all-around performance of the campaign as he scored 27 points on a 10-for-15 effort from the floor and a seven-for-10 mark from the free throw line in addition to snaring seven rebounds.

DeWitt scored 10 of Lowell's 12 points in the first quarter, which ended with Coopersville holding a 16-12 bulge. Balanced scoring brought the Arrows 19 points in the second quarter and created a 31-all tie at halftime.

With Hoseth sinking five of his nine points and solid efforts from Haywood and DeWitt, the Arrows zipped into a 44-38 lead late in the third quarter and held the edge with eight min-utes to play at 48-44.

Ray Lubberts, who scored all six of his points in the closing stanza, got Coopersville back in contention with the opening points of the quarter and there was no holding the Broncos from that point.

Lowell's JV and freshman teams boosted their winning streaks to three each against Coopersville, the reserves picking up a 59-52 victory and the ninth graders emerging on the long end of a 53-31 count.

Joe Rinard's 22 points topped the JVs while Chris Coiiins and Jim Bovee added 12 and 11, respectively. Bernie Harden scored 18 points and Tom Wernet hauled in 17 rebounds for the Freshmen. 1

Prep Cage Scoreboard • LOWELL



DeWitt OUon Haywood Roth Howth Wittenbach Cahoon


10 0

4 4 3 0


FT PF 7 3

TP 27

13 8 9 0

23 ' 16 18 62

FG FT PF TP Hansen 1 1 5 3 Vm Haver 4 3 2 11 Brown 7 3 1 17 Meyer 0 2 1 .2 Lemmen 2 0 1 4 Hendrickson 5 4 3 14 Throop 2 2 3 6 Lubberts 1 4 4 6

22 19 20 63

LOWELL 12 19 17 1 4 - 6 2 Coopenvilte 16 IS 13 1 9 - 6 3


FG FT PF TP PG FT PF TP Wamer 1 2 2 4 Baumbach 9 8 3 26 VanderBaan 9 0 3 18 Poskey 7 0 4 14 VanWestr'n 2 1 4 5 Vin Opstall 3 6 4 12 Vashaw 0 3 1 3 Dobrowalski 2 4 0 8 McCormick 2 2 4 6 Holtsclaw 2 1 3 5 Linscott 2 1 2 S Smith 1 2 1 4 Ray 1 2 0 4 Courtier 1 1 1 3 Stiohmeyer 1 0 0 2 Wowmolts i 0 3 2 Vekasi 3 0 3 6 26 22 21 70 DeVriet 1 1 3 3

26 22

2 0 - 56 Anderson 0 0 4 0 F.a 7 18 11 2 0 - 56

24 12 27 56 Wy. Pk. 19 13 24 19- 70





DeVriet VanderBaan VanWesti'n Vashaw McCormick Wamer Evene

17 21 16

TP FG FT PF TP 0 Auwers 4 1 2 9

20 Collins 4 1 S 9 0 Creagan 6 3 2 15

11 Foe 3 1 1 7 17 Cutler 0 0 1 0 7 McAleenan 2 8 4 12 0 Wallers 4 2 2 10

55 Wierengo 1 0 2 2 55 Walt 2 1 } 5

26 17 22 69

F.H. E.G.R.


17 9 15 1 4 - 5 5 16 19 15 1 9 - 6 9

Rogers HudaonvUte West Ottawa Kentwood Godwin Wyoming Park FOREST HILLS

W 5 5 4 3 3 I


JANUARY 13 RESULTS Wyoming Pk. 74, F. H. 56 Hudaonvilie 71, Rogers 68 West Ottawa 80, Kentwood 59

JANUARY 16 RESULTS Coopersville 63, Lowell 62 E Grand Rapids 69, F. H. 55 Greenville 101, Comstock Pk. 64 Cedar Springs 80, Sparta 72 Rock ford 62, Belding 48 Hudaonvilk 67, Wyoming Pk. 64 Godwin 88, Kentwood 66 Lakeview 70, Saranac 63 Caledonia 66, Middlevilk 54

W L Greenville 7 0 Cedar Springs 6 1 Coopersville 5 2 Rockford 4 3 Sparta 3 4 Belding 2 5 LOWELL I 6 Comstock Park 0 7

Set Annua! LWBA Tournament The Lowell Women's Bowling Association will begin its an-

nual tournament in the near future according to league presi-dent Dorothy Leasure.

Team events have been scheduled to begin February 9, dou-bles the week of February 16, and singles the following week.

All entry fees will include the bowling fee plus prize money.

CAUGHT IN ACT - Dale Brown of Coopersville (31) bangs the wrist of Lowell High's Ken Roth while teammate Rick Lemmen tries to block shot from behind. Coopersville won thriller from Arrows, 63-62.

Title Hopes on Line

for LHS Matmen Lowell High School's powerful wrestling team will put its

championship hopes on the line in a pair of Tri-River Confer-ence matches against top-rated opponents.

Coach Gary Rivers' matters took a 9-0 dual meet record in-to Wednesday night's home match against Cedar Springs. The Arrows will close out the conference dual meet season at Beld-ing next Wednesday night in what Rivers sizes up as "the one that should decide it all."

Three non-conference matches also are scheduled along with the conference tournament at Comstock Park on February 14 and the Central Christian tournament February 6 before state competition opens a month hence.

One of Lowell's brightest prospects for conference honors is 145-pounder Ray Smith, who posted his twelfth victory . . . and 10th pin . . . of the season in a 39-8 romp over Rockford last week.

The Arrows won four other matches by pins and scored four wins by decision in addition to gaining a tie.

Bob Rottier posted a decisive 19-1 victory in his 185-pound match to pick up honors as Most Outstanding Wrestler in the match.

The junior varsity also emerged with an easy triumph to maintain their impressive 1969-70 record. 48-10, over the Rams JVs. The Arrows picked up five pins in the decision.

Here are Lowell's varsity results: 98 pounds - John ftauw tied, 2-2; 107 - Steve Newell won

on pin; 115 - JohqX^Ortis losi uccision, 4-1; 123 - Jim Rich-ard won decision, 4-0; 130 - Bob Graham won decision, 4-3; 137 - Tom Rasch won decision, 6-0; 145 - Ray Smith won by pin; 155 - Al Wingeier lost decision, 5-3; 165 - Gordon Kelly won by pin; 175 - John Lyons won by pin; 185 - Bob Rot-tier won decision, 19-1; heavyweight - Bob Bailey won by pin.

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TTfe Leter-Siitarkn life - [PDF Document] (4)

6 Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life, January 22, 1970

Bali' Next Stop

on Travelogue Series A unique presentation of the film "Bali," shown on a wide

screen against a background of stereophonic music and "on the spot" recorded effects will be the next presentation in the Ada Congregational Church's Travel and Adventure series.

Filmed highlights will include a temple built on a 300 foot cliff overhanging the ocean; a hike up a 10.000 foot volcano; a sacred forest with moss covered temples where thousands of monkeys live, and the gentle and hospitable people of Bali who love music, dance and the arts. The program will be presented by Chris Borden.

The travelogue will be held at 8 p.m. on January 31 at the Forest Hills High School multi-purpose room.

Cascade CYF Sponsor

Chicken N Biscuit Dinner If you'ie looking for some place special to take ynur Valen-

tine out to dinner this February 14, try the Chicken 'N Biscuit Dinner sponsored by the CYF of Cascade Christian Church.

To be served in the Fellowship Hall, 2829 Thornapple River Drive, serving will be at 4:30, 5:15 and 6 p.m. "Take Out" din-ners will be accommodated at 5 p.m. only

The dinner has been limited in number to 400, and those wishing to make early reservations may do so by phoning the Fosner home at 676-1738 or the Masten home at 676-4031.

Monies raised from the dinner will go towards sending 13 members of the CYF and three adult counselors to the annual Michigan International Affairs Seminar, March 14 through 20.

mm Boy Scout Troop 102 held its weekly meeting Monday

night, December 22. Everyone had fun. It was our annual Christmas party and everyone exchanged gifts. We had cup-cakes, cookies and pupcoin, which was made at the cabin in the afternoon by a group of boys. We also had pop and pea-nuts. Providing us with live entertainment was the group The Unrelated Sound. It was a great celebration.

Wednesday, January 7, we took a special trip. We went to one of the fire houses in Grand Rapids. It was a very interest-ing trip. The boys enjoyed seeing the fire trucks and the rescue squad trucks. We saw all the equipment that is carried on the trucks, the fireman's sleeping quarters and their classrooms. They gave us a demonstration when they receive a call about a fire.

This past weekend, January 10 and 11, our troop went to Bertha Brock Park in Ionia. We slept in the lodges. Everyone had sleds and were sliding on the hills, some went on the to-boggan runs. Everyone enjoyed the snow.

Mike Hines, Scribe


Funeral Home

Dtvid G. Gcisl - President


WHAT / CAW DO FOR MY COUNTRY... Eighth grade children throughout Michigan can tell us in 500 words or l e s s . . . participating through their schools in the third Annual Freedoms Foundation Es-say Contest sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance Group. An all-expense paid Washington D.C. tour awaits the winner, his parents and teacher. Have your school participate. For more information call your local Farm Bureau Insurance Group representative.

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f»mi Bun*; Miim/ • fmn Butt*/ Lift • Community Sfvkt. LANSING


A new edificr rising in ihr hills of A da is St. Robert of Aewminster Catho-lic Church, now tcheduled to be opened in June. (See story below)

1 % T I _____ 1 t


Sunday, January 25, Church School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Speaker Elder Robert Johnson. Theme, "Let Them Have Dominion." Junior Worship Service for 10, 11 and 12-year-olds during 11 o'clock service. Evening Worship, 7:00 p.m. Speaker, Elder Owen Ellis. Theme. "All Things Are Thine."

Monday, January 26 ,7 p.m. The Zioneers will have a debate at the home of Ivan Starks.

Tuesday, January 27 ,7 p.m. Missionary slides will be shown at Marvin LaLone's home to the Zion's League or any-one that wishes to attend, located at IU650 100th Street, SE, Alto, Michigan. Theme, "Evidences Of The Book Of Mor-man." Speaker, Priest Marvin LaLone.

Wednesdav. January 28, 7:30 p.m. Midweek Fellowship Service, Speaker to bring lesson. Priest Marvin LaLone. Theme, "Stewardship Is Response to Christ's Love."

June Completion Date for New Ada Church CUB SCOUTS

The doors on a new church building under construction on Ada Drive are due to open in June.

According to Frank Budnick, chairman of the finance com-mittee of the St. Roberts of Newminster Catholic Church, all building is now on schedule.

"There was some delay on roof decking and other minor parts, but nothing serious," he said. "We have kept everything under control and expect to keep to the balance of the propos-ed schedile."

The rectory and administration building should be complet-ed in February. The church building is expected to be ready for use in June.

The church will have a 750-seat capacity and an additional 150 seat arrangement in a multi-purpose room. Both areas are on one floor; there is no basem*nt.

The floors of the church feature a three-way slope toward the altar so that all parishioners will command an equal view.

"Judd Fuco, architect of Detroit, has designed the building along contemporary lines rather than the conventional steeple type of church," said Budnick. "This was to reflect changes made in the Ecumenical Council."


The exterior of the church will be mason and brick veneer. The interior walls will also show the greenish-brown brick work. Ceilings at various heights and slanted at angles will be of reddish cedar wood, according to John Carlson, builder. Some windows to emit light will be built into corners and at angles, but arranged oo that they will not detract from the al-tar area.

The narthex or entrance is on the west side of the building ovedooking the 350-car parking lot. It is to have a slate floor while the sanctuary will have carpeted aisles.

On the 15-acre site which is on a hillside above Adacroft Commons, the landscaping has been planned to take advantage of the topography of the adjacent valley and hills beyond so that both viewer and viewed will be seen to advantage.

The entire project was set for a cost of $450,000. This in-cludes the rectory and administration building which is just northwest of the contains offices and committee rooms as well as the residence of the pastor.

The second phase of the building program will include a . separate building to be erected in the future. It will :ontain classrooms for students, but no iull curricula will be offered. Instead, the school of religion will be held in conjunction with the public schools by possibly transporting students back and fo»th between their regular classcs during open hours or after public school hours on stated days.

Cub Scout Pack No. 3334, Cascade Guistian Church, will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, January 23, at 7 p.m. A special program has been planned for Cubs and their parents and families.

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Prominent for many years in war veteran activities, Mrs. Mary Ann (Minnie) Hawk, 83, of Lowell, passed away Sunday in Michigan Veterans Facility, Grand Rapids. She was bom in Toronto, Ca.

The widow of Ullman A. Hawk, a Spanish-American W^r veteran, she was past president of the Ira Wilson Relief Corps, past noble grand of Lowell Rebeccah Lodge. Mrs. Hawk was a member of the VFW Auxiliary, the auxiliary of Guy Henry Post Spanish American Veterans, and Blue Star Mothers Club.

Surviving are two sons, John Winks of Lowell, and Bert Hawk, of Schoolcraft; eight grandchildren, 19 great-grandchil-dren; two sisters, Mrs. Rose Lowes and Mrs. Kathleen Marcel-lus, both of Grand Rapids.

Services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Roth Funeral Home; with thei lev . Ervin Hyde officiating. Interment Oak-wood Cemetery.


A longtime Lowell resident, Mrs. Cora A. Hand, at age 79, passed away Thursday in Butterworth Hospital.

Funeral services were held Saturday at the Roth Funeral Home, with the Rev. Ervin Hyde officiating. Interment Oak-wood Cemetery.

She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Philo Blakcslcy and Mrs. Emma Klump, both of Lowell; and three nieces.


Graveside services were held Monday in Wauseon, Ohio for Mrs. Ethel Clara Zoodsma who died Thursday, January 15, at her home at 2847 Gulliford Road in Lowell.

Funeral services were held in Lowell on Sunday afternoon at the First Nazarene Church with the Rev. James Leitzman officiating.

Mrs. Zoodsma is survived by her husband, John; two sons, Robert Earl of Diamond Bar, California and Charles of Marion, Ohio; a daughter, Mrs. Paul (Martha) Estermyer of Ypsilanti; seven grandchildren and thirteen step-grandchildren.

She is also survived by a brother, Roy Browning of Pasadena. California and a sister, Mrs. Martha Cushing of Campbell. Cali-fornia.


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P t l i v i y E i H m o m SftH Greet StaMpi


Did you know that bcientuts have classified 13 distinct types of headache — and they agree that simple aspirin is still the beat way to relieve the pain, in most cases.

Mrs. Keim's 4th grade Camp Fire Group has chosen a name. It is TaWaAya. This name means we are willing to try; will be kind and loving, and that we will assist each other.

We made a Christmas card holder for our family. On Dec. 18, we went caroling with Mrs. Schneider's group.

Then we had refreshments and gift exchange at the home of JoAnn Keim.

At our Jan. 6th meeting we elected the following officers. President, Barbara Miller; vice-president. Amy Steward, Sec-retary, Carol Peckham and treasurer, Carol Baird.



Multi-Purpose Aud.,

Forest Hills High Sponsored by

AdaCongregational Church For tickets write or call:

Mr*. Roe Nlles, 4803 Luxemburg SE., Grand Rapids 949-3115 Mr*. Orison Weaver, 7369 Thornapple River Dr., Atia 676-5811 Mr*. Donald Johnton, 6039 Hall SE., Ada 6781836

The biggest category (though not the greatest number) of headache is the migraine type, of which the "classic" group in-cludes temporary disorder^ of vision ana muscle activity. When these persist afti-r the headache itself has gom, they are classed as "hemiplegic" and "ophthalmoplegic" heaJaches.

The "common" migraine in-cludes those that or jur at fre-ouent, regula: intervals and tnose asociated with menstra-tion. The "cluster" headache is associated with flushing, sweat-ing and runny nose. Then there's the "lower half" head-ache, which centers primarily on the mouth and jaw.

"Musde contraction" head-ache results from sustained muscle tightening, and is some-times railed the "nervous" or "tense" headache. Some head-aches are associated with the eye. ear. sinus, teeth or neck-some result from disorders of the cranial nerve.

Aspirin is not usually used for migraine headaches, but it may be combined with a seda-tive or tranquilizer to obtain the greatest relief.

In a way. aspirin is some-thing like electricity — we've had it around for years, with-out fully understanding just how it works. We're iust grate-ul that it does. work.

Cascade Phamacy


9 4 * 4 t f 0


621 East Mam 897-7514

"Specki, Stone* and Sight" (Rev. Bailey)

(Nursery daring 1 U-ir. worship) Church School > 4 5 a.m.

Dean I. Bailey, Minister Hartweli Gosney, Assoc. Minister


Corner Ada Dr. k Forest Hills Parsonage • 4637 Ada Drive

949-1372 Services 10 a.m. ft 7 Sunday School 11:15 ajn.

Rev. James Underwood "THE CHURCH WHERE THERE



7152 Bradfield 676-1698

Rev, Ralph Bruxvoort, Pastor Morning Worship ' 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.


2965 Wycliff Drive SE The Rev. John Stanley, JrM

Vicar The Liturgy 10:00 a.m.

Nursery and Sunday School through 12th Grade


"1 Believe! But Why?"

Corner Pamell and Bailey Rev. Phil Carpenter

Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m. Church School 11:15 a.m.


201 North Washington

Rev. James E. Leitzman Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worhsip 11:00 a.m. Young People and Juniors

6:45 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Praise

Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Supervised Nursery During

All Services Come and Worship With Us



2700 E. Fulton Road Sunday Services

8:30 ft 10-45 a.m. Church Sardaj' School 9: ?0 !.!tv Nursery 8:15 a.m.'til Noon

Raymond A. Heine, Pastor


5038 Cascade Road The Rev. Richard Giaspy

Morninf Worship IhOOajn. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

4 " 57

: ^ )P m - :f

* For Ages 4 through 8 -


2220 3-Mie Road N.E. Morning Service 10 AJ*. Sunday School IIA.M.

..Ovist Ambassadors , (Youth) ^ f j i .

Evangelistic Service Tf.U. Rev. Daniel RoeM, Miaisto


Rev. Charie* B. Wiank 7227 Thornapple River Drive


Morning Worship Sunday School Evening WonlUp

10:00 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

We invite yoo to make this cocnminuty church your

church home. Welcome to ail!


6631 Cascade Road SE Phone 949-0529

The Rev. John Guichelaar Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7:00 pjn.

Nursery Provided - Morning

Sunday School , 11:15 a.m.


West Grand River Drive

Rev. Lloyd Dawson

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Prayer Service, Wednesday

7:30 p.m.

Come and Worship With Us


Comer 60th ft Bancroft Ave. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 ajn. ft 7:30 p.m. Youth Hour 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Fellowship

8:00 p.m.

• Richard A. Beach, Pastor

Telephone 868-3011


3 Mile ft Lincoln Lake Rd.

Gary R. Foster, Pastor Phone 897-8446

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Evening Wonhip 7:30 pjn. Wednesday Prayer Meeting and

Whirly Birds 7:30 p.m.

Independent Fundamental


1151 W. Main Street

Rev. Bernard Fynaardt, Pastor Phone 897-8841

Worship 10:00 a.m. ft 6:00 p.m. Sunday School 11:10 a.m.

Supervised Nursery During All Services



(In fellowship with the United Charch of Chn*)

7339 Branson SE 676-5281

Ray Kretzschmer Interim Pastor

Doris Cox, Minister of Music Morning Wonhip 10:00 a.m.

(Nursery Care Provided)


A Warm Walcome Awaits You

Pastor - loe Everett

Morning Worship ft Junior Charch 10:00 a.m.

Nursery Provided Sunday School 11:15 a^a. Voang Pwpfe Meeting 6:45 p.i4. Evening Worship 7:45 p.m. Thursday Prayer 7:30 pj*.



2275 West Main Street

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. ft 7:00 pja. Wednesday Family Prayer Fellowship 7:00 pjn.

Rev. Earl Decker

For transportation or Spvitaai ' Coonsd, CaQ 897-8835


United Church of Christ

Hudson and Spring Streets

Rev. F. Ervin Hy#e, Minister j Church School 9:30 a.m. Morning Woohip I h M a a a .

Cribbery and Nursery Open • During Charch Service j


(Disciples of Christ)

2829 Thomapple River Drive SE 949-1360

The Rev. Raymond Gay lord Pastor

Morning Worship 9:15 ft 10:30 Sunday School 9:15 ft 10:30 Youth Group Meetings 5:(xj p.m.

Hf lUUH...- .

FHHS Students Get Sno-Ball Rolling

The Sno-Ball, semi-formal dance annually presented by the succeeding senior classes of Forest Hills High School, will be held in the multi-purpose room on Saturday evening. Mu-sic for the dance will be played by The Frederic during the hours of 9-12 p.m.

Snow sculpturing by the classes b being sponsored by the Student Council with judging to take place just prior to the dance. According to Doug Griffith, president of the council, the senior class will build its edifice at the tennis court area, the junior class will construct its statue behind B Building and the sophom*ores expect to raise their entry in the court.

The freshman class, winner of the football float contest, will be working hard to duplicate that award on the outfield of the baseball diamond.

Three committees have been selected for the Sno-Ball. They include the decorating committee of which Kathy Ward and Luanne Schrier are co-chairmen. Helping to decorate will be Anna-Brit Swenson, Marilyn Neuman, Jim Smart, Nan-cy Gregory, Debbie Scoles, and Doug Griffith.

Chairman of the refreshment committee is Mimi Persch-bacher. Others helpingwill be Chris Smith, Jane Buttrick, Den-is VerStrapt, Nancy Gregory, and Paula B^uman.

Heading the clean-up committee is Craig Van Suyters. He will be assisted by Dennis Ver Strapt, Nancy Gregory, Kuil Dykhuiien, Lynn Evans, Dan O'Neil, Wendy Wallace, Debbie De Vlieger, and Jim Leyndyke.

Chaperones for the dance are to be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witzel and Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Van Sluyters.


Marcia Rodgers was installed as honored queen of Caledonia Bethel 71, International Order of Job's Daughters on Saturday evening in ceremonies held at the Caledonia Masonic Temple.

Miss Rodgers is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J . Irvin Rod-gen of 76th Street, Alto.

Raymond Hesche, on his way home from Mexico, stopped in Mesa, Arizona to visit with Amos Smith, former Lowell area resident. The Smiths held;« belated Christmas dinner on De-cember 28. Attending were Reginald Smith and family from S t Thomas, Viigiii Islands; the Wayne Browns and Luther Hy-mans of Tuscon, Arizona; the Arthur Smiths i Hastings, Mich-igan and the Richard Smiths of Mesa, Arizona.

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Norton S. Johnson, President Howard Rittenger, Director Jack Begp, Vice President & Secretary Jemes Stuart, Treasurer Dele Hauter, Associate

J. R. B. Agency, inc.

Forest Hills Hi-Lites BY SHIRLEY DYGERT

Will you be looking for an excuse for a party Saturday? Really no need, but we just discovered that on that date the Cubans used to celebrate their independence. That bit of news ought to promote some kind of response for a theme.

Down in that area, but not in that country, thank good-ness, are the Walt Perschbachers. They have been trying to enjoy the cool of Sarasota at a condominium on Longboat Key. This being somewhat impossible, they busied them-selves with trying to export oranges to their friends. This project was instantly bogged down in the fruit embargo. Now like postal cards, bonus checks, and gifts from cereal companies, the golden spheres will probably seem a long time a-coming.' And the Perschbachers will be back before their gifts arrive.

• • •

Speaking of places in warmer climes, don't forget that on Saturday, January 31, you may take a trin to Bali with Chris Borden via the Ada Congregators travel series. It will be held in the Forest Hills High School multi-purpose room at 8 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door.

• • •

Remember the whales that swam into the Florida coast? Among others in the collection, I like this: "Above all ani-mals the whales, play leading rojes in famous u les , - the Mel-ville saga of the sea, and then Forever Ambergris." From Who's Zoo by Michael Braude.

Still thinking of tropical paradises, how about that trip the Tom Frambes just completed? After reading a blurb in a trav-el mazagine about the beauties of Guadeloupe and Martinique, they took off with a minimum of preparation. "Hardly more than the clothes on our backs," Beth relayed, "we dug out last summer's wardrobe and a couple of sweaters, and off we flew." They spent two weeks in relaxing breezes, rented a car to drive around and visit the historical spots which abound on both islands, and listened to tales of pirates and French history while eating sea foods.

Meanwhile, back in the northern snows, stay-at-homes are not really doing that at all. They are taking off to skate, ski, and snowmobile all over the state. Two families, the Bob Generes and the Earl Ellsworths were in the snowmobile rac-es near Traverse City last weekend. Their love of speed en-abled them to maneuver into second and third places out of a field of three hundred.

For the guy that comes in from the cold . . . a hot pick-me-up soup. Cagey soup-er man Bruce Rogers mixes this one before he leaves, then on returning he can fill himself and friends with Crabmeat a la Newburg. One can cream of mush-room, one can asparagus soup, one cup milk, half cup cream, one can crabmeat, and three tablespoons sherry.

Or, as he says, not canned, but manned soup: Cold Cream of Chicken Indienne takes 4 chopped onions. 2 stalks celery, 2 bay leaves all smothered in butter with 4 tbsp. curry powder mixed with white flour. Add 4 cups canned chicken broth and 4 glasses milk. Put mixture in refrigerator and let mellow for 2 or 3 days (this is the secret of its suc-cess)-before serving. # .

The high school and junior high students will be out of school on this Friday, January 23. Also poise your pencil over the calendar on February 13 to mark off that Friday as a no- school day. It's an in-service day for teachers.

Named to Honors List Ferris State College has honored 1,391 students for scholas-

tic excellence in the fall quarter by naming them to the aca-demic honors list. To be named to this honorary list, a student must maintain at least a B average while carrying a full academ-ic load.

Students from this area on the list include: Kevin Collins, William J. Myers, James R Parrish and Frank W. Zaidel, all of Ada; Brenda Anderson and Roger D. Kropf of Lowell and Har-ry L Doelle, Bonnie L Ferris and Jackie J. Karsten all of Cal-edonia.


Richard Palmer of Grand Rapids is a student member of the Student Affairs Committee, one of several student-faculty com-mittees, in Alma College Community Government.

The committee includes seven students among its 12 mem-bers.

Palmer, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donnally Palmer of 3462 Goodwood Dr., S.E., is a 1968 graduate of Forest Hills High School.

Christmas Basket Program a Success

Moose Civic Affairs chairman. Red Baker, has announced thi t this year the Moose distributed 90 baskets and toys to needy families during the Ckristmas season.

Many worked hard, contributing time and goods, to make this program a success.

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The h* — t 1-*! Dry

C l e a n i n g

? Parents ^


n Wedding


Sharon Lynn Vergouwe, Wealthy Street, SE, is engaged to Captain Ronald Twentyman as announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Vergouwe Leffmgwell Rd, N.E. Captain Twentyman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Twentyman of Libertyville, Illinois.

Miss Vergouwe attended Calvin College and is a senior at Blodgett Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. Her fiance at-tended Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois before entering the service. Captain Twentyman served a year in Viet Nam and at present is stationed in Ft. Hood, Texas.

A June 20 wedding is being planned.

Mr. and Mrs. Dwain W. Treiber, Alto, announce the engage-ment ot their daughter. Miss Diann Lynn Treiber to Jack Heath Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin N. Porter of Caledonia.

An August 14 wedding is planned by the couple.

Sea/ch On for Michigan

Mother of the Year The search for the Michigan woman who most exemplifies

those qualities inherent in the ideal mother is underway, ac-cording to state chairman Mrs. Ann Vander Heide.

Guidelines set up for selection include someone who is fully qualified to represent the mothers of America in all respongl-bilities attached to her role as "Mother of the Year;" embodies

• those traits highly regarded in mothers; courage, cheerfulness, patience, affection, understanding, and homemaking ability; is an active member of a religious body ; has a sense of respon-sibility in civic affairs and has been active in public service to society; is a legal mother and not a divorcee and whose young-est child is over 15 years of age.

The winner of the Michigan Mother contest will have her brochure entered in the national contest, will be honored at a state function and later at the Mother's Conference in New York City.

Nomination blanks may be obtained by organizations or in-dividuals from Michigan Mothers Committee, Mrs. Jan S. Van-derHeide, Chairman, 550 Overbrook Lane, Grand Rapids, 49507.

B&PW Hear Program

on Retirement Mrs. Ilanh Melle presented a program on retirement to the

members of the Business and Professional Women's Club at their January meeting.

She emphasized planning ahead, especially for additional income, planning interests and hobbies, with provision for care of health also stressed. Many retirees have expanded hobbies in-to profitable businesses. Mrs. Melle cited books giving experi-ence, information and advice which are carried by the local li-brary.

rians were discussed for the District meeting to be held here in April and the club launced a money-making project, the sale of paring knives, steak knives and carving sets.

CAMPFIRE GIRLS At the January 13th meeting of the Aowakiya Camo Fire

group we elected officers as follows: Piesident, Pam Gal-breath; Vice-president, Rosie Sterling; Treasurer, Barbara Cook; and Secretary, Diana Keim. We demonstrated how to call the doctor in case of an emergency. We decided that we would write a comedy story for the Dad-Daughter Banquet. The meeting was adjourned.

Our dMdlma for SOCIAL NEWS is Monday at 5 p.m. Picture dead-line is Friday at 3 p.m. Phone 897-9261.

Hey, M o m J I a v e You Heard About

SANDY'S Tidy Dyper


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Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life, January 22, 1970 ^

Married in 1900, Will Celebrate 70 Years

A rare event in these modern times will be celebrated this Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wright, Clarksvillc, will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright were born in Odessa Township, and have lived all their lives in Ionia County. Parents of three children, a son Lester and two daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Buck-ema and Mrs. Richard (Frances) Heaven, they have nine grand-children, 30 great grandchildren, and four great-great-grand-children.

The Wrights will spend their anniversary at their home.

Niogora Falls

Honeymoon St. Isidore's Church was the setting Wednesday evening as

Miss Barbara Wisinski and Robert C. Hess repeated marriage vows. Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. Wilier J. Wisinski, Fuller Ave. NE, and Mr and Mrs. Uoyd Hess of Alto.

Silk shantung, fashioned in an empire styled gown with bishop sleeves and trimmed with venise lace was worn by the bride. A small bonnet of lace caught her veil.

Assisting the bride was Mrs. John C. McKay of Browsville, N. J. Bridesmaids were the Misses Linda Hess of Alto and Jo Auiic and Janicc Sowa.

Flower girl and ringbearers duties were performed by Patri-cia Priebe and Daniel Wisinski.

Best man was Dennis Hess of Howard City. Seattng the guests were Jay Roberts, Gregory McGure and Bruce A. Kraus, all of Lowell.

The couple are honeymooning at Niagara Falls before re-turning to Lowell to make their home.

Miss McCarthy Wed The exchange of wedding vows between Miss Mary Kath-

leen McCarthy and Michael Patrick Moroney was solemnized in St. Patrick's Church, Parnell, Thursday evening. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. McCarthy of Cannonsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Davis, Lamberton Drive NE.

An empiie styled gown of lace and satin was worn by the bride. Her shoulder length veil was held by a headpiece of pearls and lace.

Attending the bridal couple were Mrs. Ronald J. Verhuizen and Gilbert Ruehmeier.

A Chicago honeymoon was planned by the couple.

> ) i. > \ ^

A daughter, Lisa Marie, was born on December 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Gary DeGraaf. Born at Brook Army Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, she weighed seven pounds, twelve ounces. Mrs. DeGraaf is the former Linda Heemstra. The proud grand-parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heemstra of Bennett Road and Mr. and Mrs. Chester DeGraaf of Kettle Lake.

A Barkus Fase.

ter, Jodi Renee, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. William December 31. Mrs. Barkus is the former Marsha



Skirts Reg. to $14 $7-$9 Sweaters Reg. to $18 $6-$9-$l3

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Tops Reg. to $16 $5-$7-$9

Dresses Dresses Dresses

DRESSES Reg. to $14

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Reg. to $50

Cloth Coats Keg. to $30

Rain Coats Reg:, to $40

Suede Jackets

COATS Fur Fabrics Reg. to $60


$11-$17 $21-$29

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8 Lowtll Ltdger Suburban L i f r January 22. 1970

1970 Farm Census Offers Benefits

What's ahead for Michigan agriculture and its farm families? The Census of Agriculture now being conducted may provide some answers.

B. Dale Ball, director of the Michigan Department of Agricul-ture. says:

"We hope farmers will understand the importance of the census and how it may benefit them."

Ball pointed out that foreign markets are becoming increas-ingly important to Michigan's agricultural economy, and cen-sus data may aid in development of world trade.

"Canning, processing and dis^ibuting industries," Ball said, "will be looking at census figures to determine where they can locate dose to adequate sources of raw products they need. They will also be concerned with transportation and availability of nearby markets."

Because of Michigan's agricultural abundance and variety, its location in mid-America, and the advantages of the St. Law-fence Seaway, it has a potential for attracting more agri-indus-tries than many competing states, he explained.

In addition to such basic information as total numbei of farms and acreage, value of land and buildings, and crop pro-duction, census data will include number of farm operators by age, value of farm products sold, age and market value of select-ed items of equipment. Additipnal surveys in 1971 wil! seek data on major trends in production methods.

This is the first farm census ever conducted by mail. It is a product of the Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Com-merce. In earlier censuses, enumerators visited all farmers to complete and pick up the report forms.

Area Dairymen Receive Awards

Two area dairymen were honored with awards during the Kent County Dairy banquet held last week at Caledonia High School.

Menno R. Baker of 9144 36th Street SE, Lowell, was pre-sented with a distinguished service award by Old Kent Bank and Trust for longtime service to the Kent County fair indus-try. Baker was cited for 18 years service with the 4 - H Youth Fan, held annually in Lowell, and fur his dedication to the Michigan Dairy Association.

Robert Lamoreaux of Belding was presented an award spon-sored by Wittenbach Sales & Service of Lowell for largest in-crease in milk production. The award was made by company representative Harold (Mike) Wittenbach.

Urge Senior Citizens to Seek T ax Relief

Lowell residents who reached age 65 at the end of 1969 and who are qualified under the Senior Citizens Tax Exemption on a portion of their taxes for 1970, may make application at city hall, according to City Clerk Laura Shepard.

Also all veterans or widows of veterans who qualify for tax exemptions as provided by law, may also obtain their applica-tions from the city clerk.

All persons who qualify for the exemption must re-apply each year, the clerk said.

T® the Editor: The Board of Managers of the Lowell Branch of the YMCA

appreciates the recognition given in your issue of January 15. Such public relation mentions have not been too plentiful in the immediate past.

In public credits, accuracy is a valuable factor and some cor-rections to the above mentioned article are in order. The local board of managers has no president, but is headed by a chair-man. Members of the board are as follows:

Stanley Gardner, Gordon Gould, Vercel Bovee, James Cook, Mrs. Richard Curtis, Roger Roberts, Larry Wittenbach, Mike Vander Velde, Mrs. Carlen Anderson, Howard Briggs, Harold Engelhardt, Mrs. Orloe Gwatkin and Richard McNeal.

Yours very truly, Roger Robeits Chmn. Board of Managers

Form Insurance Agency Formation of a new insurance agency serving Lowell and

Saranac was announced this week.

It will be known as J.R.B. Agency, Inc. with quarters at 835 West Main in Lowell and 79 Bridge Street in Saranac. These of-fices had been occupied by the firm of Johnson, Carrington and Rittenger, which has been dissolved.

Norton Johnson, Howard Rittenger and Jack Beggs ar^ prin-cipals in the new J.R.B. Agency, Inc. Jim Stuart is associated with them in the Lowell office and Dale Hauter in the Saranac office.

The firm handles a complete line of insurance.


With proper humidity, yoo onjoy greater persona I comfort, lower fuel hill, and mort i m p o r t a n t -more positive protection to h u l t b and pronertv. The new Auto-Flo Power H u m i d i f i e r add* l a r c amounU of moicture in nature ' , own way—in the ideal form of water v a p o r - t o the circulated air from your furnace. You enjoy all the heneflta of a completely auto-

.v-r.frtg.'ttakiuely ef fec t ive humid i f i e r w i t h the capacity for a n y a i i e home.

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City of Lowell Council Proceedings

Board of Education Regular Meeting, January 12 ,1970 .

Meeting called to order at 7:40 P.M. by President Reagan.

Roll Call-Members Present: Reagan, Shade, Rivette, Jones, Siegle, Metternick.

Members Absent: Gerard.

Motion by Siegle and second by Shade to approve the min-utes of the Regular Meeting held on December 8 , 1 9 6 9 .

Ayes: 6. Nays: 0, Motion Carried

Motion by Jones and second by Siegle to approve payment

of bills as listed. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Carried


1. The Tri-River League is considering a change in the cost of tickets for admission to athletic contests for 1970-71. The suggested price is $1.25 for adults and S .75 for students.

Motion by Jones and sccond by Rivette to suggest that tick-et rates should be $ .50 for students and $1.25 fo- adults, but that Lowell will support the majority thinking.

Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Carried.

2. Lakewood Public Schools has made application for mem-bership in the Tri-River League, with hopes of beginning with full participation in football in 1971.

Motion by Rivette and second by Jones to instruct Mr. Kel-ly to vote to accept the Lakewood Schools on the basis that they will work into the football schedule as existing contracts expire.

Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Carried. 3. Motion by Rivette and second by Shade to pay the Mich-

igan Association of School Boards* dues.

Ayes: 6. Nays: 0 . Motion Carried. 4. Mr. Robert Hornberger, Department Services Director,

has informed us that the school calendar is within the law for

1969-70. 5. Superintendent Hagen, Dr. Robert Reagan, and Dr. R. D.

Siegle will be attending the Kent County Board of Education Workshop on Negotiations on January 29 ,1970 .


1. The Kent Intermediate School District is coordinating an at tempt to establish a date for voting on millage issues this spring. They have picked the date of March 16, with an alter-

nate date of May 4. Motion by Rivette and second by Shade to vote for opera-

tion millage on March 16 if the necessary information is avail-

able. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Carried.

2. The Peter Speerstra Agency has informed us that there is an additional charge of $1,113.00 for Workmen's Compensa-tion and Employer's Liability. This will be a fixed charge and is not in the budget.

3. A discussion was held regarding the Kent County sum-mer school for credit for grades 7 through 12. The Board de-cided to wait for information regarding the number in attend-ance and indicated a desire to take part if a sufficient interest

is shown. 4 . The LEA would like to add Farm Bureau A u t o Insurance

to the list of payroll deductions (Master Agreement, Article III, Para. 3.3.7).

Motion by Siegle and second by Rivette to add Farm Bur-eau Group Automobile Insurance to payroll deductions.

Ayes: 6. Nays; 0 . Motion Carried. 5. Superintendent Hagen recommended that the Board of

Education pay $16,750.00 to State Savings Bank. The bank has asked if we could pay this amount on t h f $,116,750.00 against state aid at an early ds^te. , . ,

Motion by Jones and second by Rivette to pay the $ 16,- - -750.00 immediately.

Ayes: 6. Nays: 0 . Motion Carried. , ./

6. Superintendent Hagen informed the Board that he was writing to the Municipal Finance Commission requesting per-mission to transfer the 1959 debt balance ($1,568.36) to the 1967 obligation outstanding. The 1967 obligation has the high-est interest on the bonds that mature last.

7. The Ihling Bros. Everard Company has informed Superin-tendent Hagen that there would be a $372.19 service charge on the remainder of the band uniform bill if we wait until March to complete payment .

Motion by Rivette and second by Shade to pay the $8,148.-53 remaining on the billing and to borrow this amount of mon-ey later.

Ayes: 6. Nays: 0 . Motion Carried.

8. Recognition of visitors. There were fourteen visitors present. Mr. David Miller sug-

gested that citizens committee reports be given at the regular meetings and that they should be included in the minutes.

9. Mr. Rivette gave the following report regarding the first meeting of the site committee.

Members were brought up to date on the feeling of the Ad-ministration and Board of Education on the use of committees as advisory media.

Members were made familiar with school-owned property, adjoining property of St. Mary's, and Kent County property.

During the next two weeks, data will be collected on city property north of Root Lowell, west of Root Lowell; Benny Gratz property west and on the hill; Al Kauffman, north of town; Herman Hendricks, Keith Mueller, and J. Cook north of town at Fox's Corners (Vergennes and Lincoln Lake).

The feeling of the committee at this time is tha t a location in or near Lowell is best because of power, water, sewer, etc. y A report will be made at the January 20 meeting t o the Board with several choices.

Motion by Siegle and second by Rivette to adjourn at 9 : 1 8


Respectfully submit ted, Harold Mettemick, Secretary


City of Lowell

If you were 65 at the end of 1969 and f * l that yoo qualify for the Senior Citizens Tax Exemption on a portion of your taxes for 1970; OR, if you ire a Veteran or widow of a Veter-an and fjel qualified for the exemption, pteate make applke-tion at the city hall office after January 1,1970 during regular office hours. Persons who qualified in previous yean must reapply each ve* . c - 39-46

T k e n a p p l e River Dr.

S J M P - -fe--"*" f .

S. E . G U - S B l 171-1772



• ^ R k t o Midnight and the Hi Lites


Lena Lou Inn

Regular Session, Monday, January 5 , 1 9 7 0 , in the council room of the city hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Arnold A. Wit-tenbach at 8:05 p.m. and the roll was called:

Present: Councilman Anderson, JefTeries, Mrs. Myers, Rey-nolds, Wittenbach.

Absent: None. IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman Myers, supported by

Anderson, that the minutes of the January 5 , 1 9 7 0 meeting be approved as presented.

Yes: Mrs. Myers, Anderson, Wittenbach, Reynolds, Jefferies. No: None. .

The City Clerk read the following lists of deposits made since the last regular Council meeting:

General Fund Agency Fund Special Assessment Fund Water Department Sewer Departinent

Bills payable:

General Fund Agency Fund Local Street Fund Major Street Fund Sewerage Department

$1,273.12 72,154.08


1,372.77 150.00

$20,432.70 50.40

1,799.47 2,681.92


VanctorVMn, Fr«lhof»r & Cook 112SW. MalnStrMt

Lowell, Michigan 49331 PUBLICATION ORDER

F INAL ACCOUNT Fll« No. 119,136

S U N of Michigan, Tha Probata Court for tha County of Kant



IT IS ORDERED that on Fabru-ary 5th. 1970, at 9 :30 A.M. In tha Probata Courtroom, Grand Rap-Ids, Michigan, a haarlng ba bald on tha patltlon of Waltar W. Gurmar, Exacutor, for allowanca of bit Final Account.

Publication and aarvlca shall ba mada at provtcwo by raiui* a n d Court rula. Data: Dacambar 8, 1969

A. DALE STOPPELS Judga of Probata

VandarVaan, Fralhofar & Cook By: Gaorga R. Cook Attornay for Ettata 1125 W. Main Straat Lowall, Michigan

A trua copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY, Raglttar of Probata c-39-41

GERALD M. HENRY 400 Fadaral Squara Bldg.

Grand Rapldt, Mich. 49602 Fila No. 119,720

PUBLICATION ORDER Stata of Michigan, Tha Probata

Court for tha County of Kant Ettata of

EL IZA G E R T R U D E BROWN, Mantally Incompatant

IT IS ORDERED that on March 24, 1970, at 9 30 A.M. in tha Pro-bata Courtroom, Grand Rapldt, Michigan, a haarlng ba hald on claim. .ii:o .lodU ' !fK>Oi

Such , haarlng it ordarafL.tQ, ba hal'd on March 24, 1970. fh*ra-fora, cradltort of taid incompa-tant thall praaant thair cWTrrrr to tha court and aand a copy to tha fiduciary, Agnat Brown, at 255 Thirtaan Mlla Road, Rockford, Michigan 49341.

Publication and aarvica thall ba mada at providad by ttatuta and Court rula. Data: Dacambar 29, 1969

R ICHARD N. LOUGHRIN Judga of Probata

Garald M. Hanry Attornay for guardian 400 Fadaral Squara Bldg. Grand Rapldt, Mich. 49502

A trua copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY Ragittar of Probata c-39-41

VanrtarVaan Fralhofar * Cook 1125 W. Main Straat

Lowall, Michigan






At a tattion of taid Court hald at tha Hall of Juttica in tha City of Grand Rapidt, Kant County. Mich-igan, on tha 30th day of Dacambar, A.D. 1969. PRESENT: Tha Honorabla Stuart Hofflut, Circuit Judga.

FRANK W. BOUMA. Drain Com-mittionar of Kant County, having filad hit Complaint atking tha Court to datarmlna tha normal laval of Gratt Lake purtuant to tha pro-vltlont of Act 146 of tha Public Actt of 1961, and tha Court balng fully advitad in tha pramltat.

NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Gaorga R. Cook, anornay for tha patltlonar.

IT IS ORDERED A N D ADJUDG-ED that Frjday, tha 6th day of March, 1970, at 11:00 o'clock A.M. ba and tha tama it haraby attlgnad at tha data on which thit Court thall hoar prooft and allagatlont of all partiat intarattad and thall con tidar and ravlaw tha datcrlptlon of landt within the tpacial ateattmant dittrict and upon which day tha court thall datarmlna tha laval of Gratt Laka, to ba attablithad and malntalnad.

A N D IT IS F U R T H E R ORDERED A N D ADJUDGED that a copy of thit Ordar ba publithad in tha Low-all Ladgar one* aach waak for aight (8) tucoatti/a waakt prior to tha 6th day of M?rch, 1970.

A N D IT IS F U R T H E R ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that copiat o< thit Ordar thall ba tarvad by eartl-fiad mall at laatt thraa (3) waakt prior to tha 6th day of March, 1970, to aach par ton whota nama appaart on tha latatt Townthip Tax Ataattmant Rollt at- owning landt within tha tpacial attattmant dit-trict at tha addratt thown on tha roll and upon tha Michigan Stata Contarvation Dapartmant.

A N D IT IS F U R T H E R ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that tha Kant County Drain Committionar maka aval labia for Intpactlon to all In-tarattad partiat all anginaarlng tur-vayt and data haratofora compllad by him at hit offica in tha building locatad at 1600 Scribnar N.W., Grand Rapldt, Kant County, Mich-igan.

S T U A R T HOFFIUS Circuit Jurtoa

Attatt: A trua copy. JACK BRONKEMA, Clark E V E L Y N R. BRIGGS, Oaputy

Examlnad , C o u n t a r t l n g a d & Entarad


VandarVaan, Fralhofar & Cook 1125 W. Main St.


Flla No. 119,635 Stata of Michigan, Tha Probata

Court for tha County of Kant Ettata of


IT IS ORDERED that on April 2nd, 1970, at 9 :30 A.M. In tha Pro-bata Courtroom, Grand Rapldt, Michigan, a haarlng ba hald at which all cradltort of taid dacaatad ara raquirad to prova thair clalmt. Cradltort mutt fila tworn clalmt with tha court and tarva a copy on Mrt. LI la Grovar. Exacutrlx, at 775 Aldan Nath N.E., Lowall, Michigan 49331, prior to haarlng.

Publication and tarvica thall ba mada an providad by ttatuta and Court rula. Data: Dacambar 26, 1969.

A. DALE STOPPELS, Judga of Probata

VandarVaan, Fralhofar & Cook By: Gaorga R. Cook Attornay for Ettata 1125 W. Main Straat Lowall, Michigan

A trua copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY Ragittar of Probata c-40-42

GERALD M. HENRY 400 Fadaral Squara Bldg. Grand Rapldt, Mich. 49502


Stata of Michigan, Tha Probata Court for tha County of Kant


{ha ' Probata Courtroom, GrarJb Rapldt, Michigan, a haarlng ba

hald on tha Patltlon of Lao H. .Brown for tha admlttlon of a pur-portad Latt Will and Tattamant of taid dacaatad to probata, for appolntmant of Agnat Brown at Admlnlttratrlx c.t.a. of taid at-tata on daclination of taid Lao H. Brown, and for a datarmination of halrt.

Publication and tarvica thall ba* mada at providad by ttatuta and Court rula. Data: Dacambar 12, 1969

A. DALE STOPPELS Judga of Probata

Garald M. Hanry Attornay for Patitionar 400 Fadaral Squara Bldg. Grand Rapldt, Mkh . 49502

A trua copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY ' Ragittar of Probata c-39-41

VandarVaan Fralhofar & Cook 1125 W. Main Straat

Lowall, Michigan






At a tattion of taid Court hald at tha Hall of Juttica In tha City of Grand Rapldt. on tha 2nd day of January. A.D. 1970.

PRESENT: Tha Honorabla John H. VandarWal, Circuit Judga.

Frank W. Bouma, Drain Com-mittionar of Kant County, having filad hit Complaint atking tha Court

' to datarmlna tha normal laval of tha Catcada Impoundmanl purtu-ant to tha prcvitlont of Act 146 of tha Public Actt of 1961, and tha Court balng fully advitad in tha pramltat.

NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Gaorga R. Cook, Attornay for tha Patitionar.

IT IS ORDERED A N D ADJUDG-ED that Friday, tha 13th day of March, 1970, at 11:00 o'clock A.M. bs and tha tama It haraby attignad at tha data on which thit Court thall haar prooft and allagatlont of all partiat intarattad and thall con-tidar and ravlaw tha datcrlptlon of landt within tha tpochi atacn mant district and upon which day tha court thall datarmlna tha laval of tha Catcada Impoundmant to ba attablithad and malntalnad.

AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED A N D ADJUDGED that a copy of thit Ordar ba publithad in tha Low-all Ladgar onca sach waak for aight (8) tuccattiva waakt prior to tha 13th day of March. 1970.

A N D IT IS FURTHER O R D E R E D A N D ADJUDGED that copiat of thit Ordar thall ba tarvad by cart I-fiad mail at laatt thraa (3) waakt prior to tha 13th day of March, 1970, to aach par ton whota nama appaart on tha latatt Townthip Tax Attcttmant Rollt at owning landt within tha tpacial attattmant dit-trict at tha addratt thown on tha roll and upon tha Michigan Stata Contarvation Dapartmant.

A N D I T IS FURTHER ORDERED A N D ADJUDGED that tha Kant County Drain Commitaionar maka availabla for Intpaction to all Intar-attad partiat all anginaarlng tur-v*y» anu u a i a • m vw.C. '* by him at hit offica at 1500 Scrib-nar N.W. In tha City of Grand Rap-idt, Kant County, Michigan.

JOHN H. V A N D E R WAL Circuit Judga


IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Jefferies, supported by-Reynolds, that the bills payable be allowed and warrants itrj sued.

Yes: Jefferies, Wittenbach, Reynolds, Anderson, Mrs. My-ers.

No: None.


1. Notice of Annual Legislative Workshop on February 26, 1970. Tabled for next meeting.


1. Naming of member to Board of Review. (See MOTIONS and RESOLUTIONS).


1. Recommendation of Manager to purchase a sewer rod-der, with attachments, by making monthly installment pay* ; . ments, without interest penalty, was considered. (See MO-TIONS and RESOLUTIONS).

2. Request by the Manager to attend the Annual Manage-ment Institute in February was approved.

3. Mrs. Bruce Tower, representing the West Michigan Histor-ical Association, was present to urge Council to preserve the present Public Library as an Historical site in Lowell, possibly to renovate it. Mrs. Tower sought permission to store some of w

Association's historic collection on the second floor of the : v

building. Referred to Manager Bacon to learn if it warrants

renovation. 4. Messrs. Peter Mulder, Claude Thorne and Thomas Bellows

appeared to urge Council to appoint a Local Housing Author-ity which would initiate action establishing Senior Citizen Hous-ing in Lowell, similar to that in Belding. Manager Bacon offer* — ed to procure information f rom the Belding city manager.


IT WAS MOVED by Councilman JefTeries, supported by Reynolds, that Council approve the contiact calling for pur-chase of an O'Brien Sewer Rodder.with payments to be made in 36 monthly installments without interest, at a total cost of $5,198.65.

Yes: JefTeries, Reynolds, Wittenbach, Mrs. Myers, Ander-son.

No: None. IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Reynolds, supported b y ' "

Mrs. Myers, that the following resolution be adopted: ,

WHEREAS the City of Lowell is the owner of the property described below; and

WHEREAS said property is vacant at the present time; and

WHEREAS said property is located in the Town-ship of Lowell; and

WHEREAS said property is adjacent to the City i r .. of Lowell; and .• .

WHEREAS there is no one residing on said prop- . . erty; and

WHEREAS it is desirable that said property be annexed to the City of Lowell;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Act 279 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the City ^ . Council of the City of Lowell, that the following described property be and it is hereby annexed to the City of Lowell;

That part of the NE% of the NEVi, Secfion 3, Town 6 North, Range 9 West, Kent County, Michigan, described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Section 3 and the North 1/8 line of said section, thence Northerly along said section line to its .•>!> intersection with the West line of the C & O rail-road, thence Northwesterly along sakf West r teft t- ' ' of-wayfine tO Hs intersection with thc Ndrth fine of Section 3, thence West 369-fh t o f e n c e l i n e r t -thence South to North 1/8 line of said Section 3, thence East approximately 675 f t . t o point of beginning, containing approximately 17.4 acres.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a true copy of this Resolution be filed with the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan and with the Clerk of the County of Kent.

Yes: Reynolds, Anderson, Mrs. Myers, Jefferies, Wittenbach. No: None.


1. Use of 1968 cruiser as full-time car because of engine trouble in the *69 model. Arrival of new model delayed due to factory close-down.

2. Resolution for obtaining the strip of land between the cemetery and airport will be ready for adoption at the January 12 ,1970 meeting.

3. United Appraisal informal hearings will be held the week of January 12.

4. First and Second meetings of Board of Review: March 3 and 9, respectively.

5. A report of an area meeting of administrators of Act 51 Highway monies in the Lowell City Hall on January 5, was giv-en.

The meeting was adjourned at 9 :15 p.m.

Approved: January 19 ,1970 .


J 1


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/Vote Featuring A Daily


Ma & Pa's

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7 p i l . Wei., T t a n . , P i t S f t

ffll-IMl S t , 8E


Ste —• JACK — Af

<*. DYKHOUSE&BUYS • I S Casea l e U . M M f r f

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Lowdl Ledgar-Suburfoan Life, January 22. 1970

VandarVaan, Fralhofar ai Cook 1126 W. Main St.

Lowall, Michigan 49331



DETERMINE HEIRS Flla No. 119,848

Stata of Michigan, Tha Probata Court for tha County of Kant.

Ettata of Fadora Marguarlta Porrltt,

Dacaatad IT IS ORDERED that on Fatoro-

« y 19. 1970. at 10:00 A.M. In tha Probata Courtroom, Grand Rapid*, Michigan, • haarlng ba hald on tha patltlon of Kandall D. Porrltt for appolntmant of an admlnlttrator, •nd for • datarmination of hair*.

Publication and aarvka thall ba mada at providad by ttatuta and Court rula. Data: January 14. 1970.

A. DALE STOPPELS, Judga of Probata

VandarVaan, Fralhofar & Cook By: Gaorga R. Cook Attornay for Ettata 113SW. Main Straat, Lowall, Michigan

A tfufc copy, ROLAND R. ROBEY, Ragittar of Probata c-41-43



V«1 . . . op to$53.00 cwL Beef Stem and Heifers

up to $29.30 cwt Beef Cows up to $2150 cwt Beef Bulls . up to $25.75 cwt Feeoer Cattle . . from $2100 to $36.00 cwt Hogs . . . up to $28.70 cwt Sows . . . up to $25.90 cwt. B o m . . . up to $19.70 cwt Feeder Pigs . . from $17.00 to $30.00 cwt

Auction every Monday, 6:30 p.m. Feeder pigs, poultry and hay sold at 4 p.m.


SALES For tracking to Ravenna Live-stock every Monday, call Bill Yo-der. Route 1 Alto, 868-5221.

J. Paul Harman, Mgr. Phon® 853-2962 • •-

VandarVaan, Fralhofar Ai Cook 1126 W. Main Straat

Lowall, Michigan 49331 PUBLICATION ORDER

F INAL ACCOUNT Flla No. 118,02«

Stata of Michigan, Tha Probata Court for tha County of Kant

Ettata of THOMAS J. READ,


IT IS ORDERED that on Febru-ary Bth, 1970, at 9 :30 A.M. In tha Probata Courtroom, Grand Rap-Id*, Michigan, a haarlng ba hald on tha patltlon of Thomat H. Raad, Admlnlttrator, for allowanca cf hlf Final Account.

Publication and tarvica thall ba mada a* providad by *tatuta and Court rula. Data: Dacambar 23, 1969

R ICHARD N. LOUGHRIN Judga of Probata

VandarVaan, Fralhofar ai Cook By Gaorga R. Cook Attornay for Ettata

A trua copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY, Ragittar of Probata c-38-41

VandarVaan, Fralhofar & Cook 1126 W. Main Straat

Lowall, Michigan 49331 PUBLICATION ORDER

F INAL ACCOUNT Flla No. 118,028

Stata of Michigan, Tha Probata Court for tha County of Kant


Dacaatad ' IT IS ORDERED that on Febru-ary 6th, 1970, at 9 :30 A.M. In tha Probata Courtroom, Grand Rap-ldt, Michigan, a haarlng ba hald on tha patltlon of Harold J. Engla-hardt, Exacutor, for alkKyanca of hit Final Account.

Publication and aarvica thall ba mada a* providad by ttatuta and Court rula. Data: Dacambar 16. 1969

A. DALE STOPPELS Judga of Probata

VandarVaan, Fralhofar 8i Cook By: Gaorga R. Cook Attorney for Ettata 1126 W. Main Straat, Lowall, Michigan

A trua copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY. Ragittar of Probata c-39-41

VandarVaan, Fralhofar & Cook 1126 W. Main Straat

Lowall, Michigan 49331 PUBLICATION ORDER

F I N A L ACCOUNT Flla No. 119,266

Stata of Michigan, Tha Probata Court for tha County of Kant


Dacaatad IT IS ORDERED that on Febru-

ary Bth, 1970, at 9 :30 A.M. In tha Probata Courtroom, Grand Rap-id!, Michigan, a haarlng ba hald on tha patltlon of Laona M. Wlaland. ExacutrlK, for allowanca of her Final Account.

Publication and tarvica thall ba mada at providad by ttatuta and Court rule. Data; Dacambar 31, 1969

A. DALE STOPPELS Judga of Probata

VandarVaan, Fralhofar & Cook By: Gaorga R. Cook Attornay for Ettata 1126 W. Main Straat, Lowall, Michigan -

A true copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY, Regittar of Probata c-39-41

ord of Thonks CARD OF THANKS

We wish to thank all of our rela-tives, neigl.oort and friends, Dr. and Mrs. McKty, and the Rev. Earl Decker for the many sets of kind-ness shown to us at the death of our husband and fatii^r, Ernest C. Foreman.

Beatrice Foreman Mr. A Mr*. Charles Foreman Mr. A Mrs. Phillip Althen

M l


We wish to thank all our friends, neighbors and relatives that made the 40th wedding anniversary-open house honoring the Uoyd Batey family such a success. Tnank you for aH the wonderful flowers and gtfta.

The Uoyd Batey family 2-C-41


We would like to extend our sin-cere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Rkh-v d FakthiU, HaroU Metternkk, Sr., Richard Haver, Re*. Beulah Poe, the ladles of the WSCS of the United Methodist Church, Roth Fu-neral Home, the ladles of the Elm-dale Nazarene Church and all the friends and relatives for their help and kindnesses shown during the loss of our mother, Mrs. Marguerite Porrltt

Mr. and Mrs. KendaH Porritt Mr. and Mrs. John F. Porritt

and family Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Heaven

and family

For Sale

FOR SALE - Guitar and ampti-flier. Guitar, dual pickup. White. Amplifier, Sears. Both work excel-lent Abo music •ccfflo.les. 676-9429 after 4. 3 - H 1

TRACTOR - Real sharp, 9N Ford. Runs real n o d , overhauled IV* years ago. Front loader and 6 f o o t 3 point blade. 949-3995.


1966 CHEVROLET - Biscay ne, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, good tires, radio awl heater. First $800 Cal a f t a 6 p.m. 676-1781. 3-p-4l

SINGER - Zig tag portable. Late model sewing machine. Monograms, buttonholes, etc. $51.50 cash or terms available. For free demon-stration call Rex 456-1616.

Sewing Center at Vc-41- 43

1962 INTERNATIONAL - Farm-All Dieael 460 Model with fast hitch and three bottom plow. Can be seen at 60th and Pratt Lake, Alto, or call 868-3821 Vc-41-42

CHAIN LINK FENCE — Bay from your Installer and save. Good H h c e Installers, 45t 4718. cl7-tf

SHOP SATURDAY - At Waiter's Lumber Mart 925 West Main St., Lowell. CaU 897-9291. Open daily until 6. Fridays until 9. >c-41-tf

COLORFUL - Napkins, imprinted with name or names for weddings, receptions, parties, showers and other occasions. Dinner, Luncheon or co*cktail. The Lowell Ledger, 105 North Broadway Street Low-ell, 897-9261. 3<-47-tf

SINGER SEWING MACHINE - 66 class in nice walnut cabinet, tig zagger, buttonhole/ A monogram*. WOT sacrifice for $32 cash or terms If necesaary. Phone 534-5448 be-fore 5 p.m. 3-C-41

REX VACUUM CLEANER-Brand new 1969 model. Complete with all cleaning tool*. Small paint dam-age In shipping. Will take $19.88 r a * price or terms if desired. CaU 534-5448 before 5 p.m. ><-41

FOR SALE - 1965 Ford Falcon. 4-door, standard shift, snow tires with studs. Excellent running con-dition, $600. CaU 868-5711 after 5 :3a 3-c-39-tf

TRUSSES - Trained niter, surgical appliance*, etc., at Koss Rexall Dregs, Saranac, Michigan. 3c-39tf

ALUMINUM - Storm windows and < screens repaired. Kingdand Hard-

ware and variety. Cascade. 3-c-2-tf

SCORPION '70 - Now on sale in this area, p i e proven snow-mobile that nder lets you down. $695 and up. Check on Scorpion sales and service at


The Home of Good Hardware'

577 Ada D r . - P h . O R M t t l

3<-33- t f

1968 BARRACUDA - Turquoise Mae, 6 cylinder. Excellent condi-tion. 676-9567. 3-C-40-4I

FOR SALE BY OWNER - 1965 Pontine Tempert. Good condition. Automatic. Phone 897-7985 aRar 6 p.m. 3-C-41

72" CURVED YELLOW SOFA-Made by Windaor Furniture, $30. Magk Chef gas, built-in oven. Need* new pilot light control, $20. Call 676-1786. M l

FRANCE BROOM - Only $1.45. A good value. Sec for yourself. Walter's Lumber Mart 3-c- 41

POODLE - Black male. Six weeks old. 676-3371. 3*c-41 -tf

9 I




Oldsmoblie — Pontiac — Intaraattonal Ttucki •

G M C n v k t ^ J f t i D d U a w .

749 W. Main, Lomll Ph. 897-9227



WANT ADS: 15 words or less. 75c each insertion, additional v, j ;ds 4c each. If not paid on or before 10 days af ter in-sertion. a bookkeeping charge of 10c will be added.

READERS: In Memoriam and Cards of Thanks. 20c per line. Front page readers, 35c per line.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: | l 4U per inch BOX NUMBER: If box number in care of this office is de-

sired, add 50c to above. ALL ERRORS in copy received by telephone at sender's

risk. RATES are b^sed strictly on uniform want ad style. 0UT 0F : T0WN advertisem*nts must be accompanied by re


All copy for this page,must be In Ledger of lice before Nooh on Tuesdays 897-9261

WANTED TO RENT - In Lowell. Ada, or Pamell area. Farm house or country home. At least two bedrooms. Good references. Call evenings 897-9158 or write Mrs. Brower, P.O. Box 72, Lowell. Ml.


WANTED TO RENT - House In' Lowell area. Three or four bed-room-Modern with ranae and re-frifarator. Call collect 866-2913. Day*. 5-C-28- tf .

YOU WILL FIND - All your gar den supplies at Walter's Lumber Mart. 3-c-S0tf


SINGER - Sewing machine, mod-el No. 66. Reconditioned and guaranteed. Balance of $28.60. Ihancing available. Call 616-527-2199. 3-C-41

UNCLAIMED FREIGHT DIAL-A-MATIC ZIG ZAG 1969 SEWING MACHINE Fancv stitche*. sews on buttons, etc. No attachment* needed, just dial WiU aefl for $43.69 still owed or wil accept $8.69 down

Ss $7 per month for 5 months. 1616-527-2199. 3 ^ 4 1


For Rent

RUG SHAMPOOER - For rent at Walter's Lumber Mart Removes dirt and stains the easy way.


FOR RENT - One bedroom bun-galow. Furnished including stove, refrigerator, washer-dryer and air conditioner. N. Ada. Phone after 5 p.m. or Sat 676-1744. 8-c-41


INCOME TAX SERVICE - AH form*. C A. Bradshaw, 13785 Beckwith Drive. 897-7596. <>4-39-1

FIANO TUNING-And repair aer-vice. Registered craftsman, mem-ber of Piano Technicians Guild. Call GL 2-6690 or 241-3760.


INCOME TAX - Please bring in your tax work early. Especially farmers. Harold Collin*. 897-9878.


INSULATING - Do you need in-sulation? Call Rapid Insulating Co. Commercial or residential. 897-8781 4-c-40-tf

MILLIONS OF RUGS - Have been cleaned with Blue Lustre. It's America's Finest. Rent an electric shampooer $1. Kingslands Hard-ware and Variety, Caacade. 4-C-4I

WILL CARE FOR - 1 or 2 pre-school children in my home. 897-9904. 4-C-41-42

DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES-To start January 22, 1970, 7:30 p.m. at Royce Ford. Classes conducted by Doiothy Leasure. Call Timber-line Kennel*. 897-9794 for infor-mation and reservation. 4-C-40-41

THE FATMAN - Private Detec-tive, 24-hour riiadowina, tape, pho-to-film evidence, confidential, na-tkmwUe. CaU 949-1790 or write 6638 Cascade Road,. SE, Grand R f W * 4-p-47-tf

WEDDING AND COMMERC1A' -Photography. Portrait*, aO in beau-tiful color. Priced to fit your bud-get J. E. Colby, Alto. For ap-pointment cal 868-5001. 4-c 30^tf

JESSUP PIANO TUNING-And rt-pwr service. Electronic tuning as-sure* accuracy. Call 897-7366.

4-c-l- tf

HAVE TRUCK - For trash and deaa up work and unwanted item*. PhosM 676-119a 4-c-22tf

SPECIALTY PRINTING - Station-ery, business cards, wedding an-nouncement* informals. Call after 6 p.m. to arrange for sample show-ing in your home. Cascade Printers Ink. &S70 Hall SE. Phone 676-1609. . 4-c-8-tf

CUSTOM BUTCHERING - Cut-.tiag, wrapping and freed ng. Abo beef and port for aate. East Paris Packing, 4200 East Paris Road SE, 949-3240. 4-c-44-tf

FIGHT - Muggings, assault, purse snatching, illegal entry. Carry Fat-man Spray. Instant protection. At-tacker is immediately helpless, $2.-98. Legal to poaaen-Vital to life-Laats indefinitely. Home delivery anytime. 949-191 a Fatman Enter-prtaea. Inc. 4-p-47tf

BURPEE'S EVERB LOOM - Makes cut flowers live up to twice as long. Walter's Lumber Mart c4-50tf

INTERIOR PAINTING - Special low rate*. For information call 245-6855. 4-o40-tf

CLEANING LADY - Wants work. A good worker. 676-9250. 5-c- 41

W A N T E D - T o buy Qualified land contracts. Call or see Peter Speers-tra, TW 7-9259 or David F. Coons, Lowell Savings and Loan Associa-tion, 217 West Main Street. Lo«-eB. Phone 897-8321. 5-c-35tf

CEMENT WORK WANTED-Drive ways, patios, steps, all types. Small jobs welcomed. Call 897-9517.

M If

PAINTING A DECORATING - No job too small. 949-0526. 5-c-39-tf

HOUSE TRAILER WANTED-8 ft. wide older model. Two bedrooms: Pay cash. Write Occupant 3232 Terrace Walk NE, Grand Rapid*, Michigan, 49505. 5-C-41-43

CHILD CARE - In my licensed home. Infant or pre-school pre-ferred. Mature Christian mother. Eastmont-Forest Hills. Phone 949-0682. 5-C-4I-45

WANTED - Small farm Lowell-Cascade-Alto area. Pay cash. 243-3815. 5-C-39- 42

UPHOLSTERING - Don't discard good chain or sofas because of worn upholstery. Have them re-covered A freshened up for spring. Call 868-5162. 5-C-4041

CHILD CARE - In my home neat Forest Hills. Please call 949-0259.


WANTED - Agents to handle Hy-brid Seed Com for established company. $300 commission for 100 bushel sales. Give location of business or farm. Write to R. J. Riga*. 2703 Groesbeck, Lansing. Michigan 48912. 5-p-4043

WANTED - Standing timber. Also walnut timber. Will pay top price, fhone 792-2955. Wayland. Mich.


MAN - To assist in second shift for running dryer and clean-up. Small food plant. All benefits. Old-er man comndered. Ph. 897-8421. HaUmark, S. Waters S t Lowell, Michigan. 9-C-4I

DRIVERS NEEDED - Train NOW to drive semi truck, local and over the roads. You can earn over $4.00 per hour, after short training. For intervfew and application, call 419-865-9171, or write Safety Dept, Nationwide Systems, Inc., Duff Terminal Bldg., 215 City Park Ave-nue, Toledo. Ohio. 9-C-4I- 42

Help Wanted

Real Estate

ARE YOU A MANAGER? - Let me show you how you can man-age a business of your own with an income potential of $1,000 per month the Tint year on an initial investment of under $100. Early retirement possible. Training and guidance given. May start part time. Write Box 7. Lowell, Michigan, 49331. 9-C-3941

S750 per Month An international corporation looking for men and women to join an exciting, interesting corporation. We will guaran-tee you $750 per month if you meet out requirements. Call daily 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 538-9010.

CHILD CARE - Days for three children in our home. Write Box 128B, Lowell 9-c-28=tf

Real Estate

M Realty Featurette Lowell Area

AVAILABLE-7% Land Contract — Low down payment — $70.00 per mo. Income property - designed fo r handyman interested in - Value - security and appreciation.

OFFERING - This neat S-year-old, 3 bdr. Ranch. City im-provements - full basem*nt. Priced way below duplication. Equity out - 5% mortgage - $88.00 per month payments.

DRIVE BY—195 Valley Vista Drtvt. Look at this beautiful 4 bedroom - 2 bath - Tri-level. Owner transferred. Terms and possession flexible. All Systems Gol

L A R G E R - 3 bedroom Ranch - located on quiet street and fully landscaped - shaded lot! Family room - carpeting -sliding glass doors - 2 stall garage - fenced in back yard. Assume 5K% mortgage - take over payments of $104.00 per month.

BENNET ROAD ADA - 2 blocks off M - 2 r Picturesque -1 acre - restricted lot. Terms.

Thank you for calling

dok realty, inc. 897-9829


We will train you at our expenae and guarantee you $800 a month If you meet our requirement*. Full company benefits, excellent work-ing conditions. Call 53H-90I0, 10 a.m. to I p.m. 9-c-39-46

TO BE TRAINED - Young men and women white collar position*. All company benefit*, no assembly work.


Only requirements are willingnesa to work and a desire to improve yourself. Must be available for im-mediate employment. PHONE PER-SONNEL D m . . 459-5079.

9-c-39- 44

Things to Eat

HOUSE FOR SALE - Forest Hills area. 3 bedrooms, family room. Living room with fireplace, all carpeted. Finished recreation room, kitchen and dinette, walk-out patio. Built-ins and many more fentures. 949 0859. 7w J6- tf

IN LOWELL - Three bedroom home with eight acre*. Basem*nt, garage, carpctint and some fur-nidmigs. $15,900 land contract bv owner. Call Whitmer* Lake I-3I3-449-2515. After 5 p.m. for ai^ pointment. 7-c-40-42


LOWELL Choice location, near downtown. 8 room frame including 3 bed-room*. one car garage, modem in every way. Newly remodeled kitch-en. Walking distance of bank, food store, etc.


LOWELL Choice location with scenic view, beautiful trees, shrubbery. Situated on 2Vi lot* 66 x I I A 6 room frame with two car garage. Near downtown, church and school*.




Cai 897-8395 Days CaM 897-9301 Nitea



Btatoes, honey, eggs. Jams and ies. Open daily except Tuesday

until 6 p.m. one bloclnorth of I-96 Interchange at comer Nash Highway A Old 16. c-22-tf

jlostand Foundj LOST - Black female cat with red collar and bell. Near Thormpple School If found, call 676-9334. Reward. l(Vc-41







You may i c U c t yovr

as to q u a l i t y and

correctness o f form.




N. Breadway LeweD, Mkh.

Jack Kent 532 3274

Arnold Wittenbach R 897-8260




Amusem*nt Machines

MIUER-NEWMARK 37(7 28th St., East


GRmore Sport Shop ft Live Bait

81M E. Fill Ion Rd.. Ada


Open ( Days 'til 1 Closed Thursday


Complete Line of Dairy Products

Delivered to Your Door





7195 Thornapple River Dr.. SE

OR6-5821 » 676-1772

THORNS Appliance. TV & Record


Qaallty Always - Best Values


E & K Bui'ding Repair Co.

Wa Spvciallzo in Iniuranca Claims

* Pain ting •Patch Plastering

•General Repairs *Papcihanging

Serving Lowell and Forast Hills

897-9813 868-4721


2fHr . Furnace Repair

Insured Budget Payment Plan

897-7590 — 897-8221

TTfe Leter-Siitarkn life - [PDF Document] (6)

North Star Adds New Charter Buses

Two new buses, costing upwards of $60,000.00 each, have been purchased by North Star Lines to augment the company's Meet ofchartei buses. Coaches arc Challenger models MC-7, larger than those in the current North Star fleet.

Each bus will carry 47 passengers compared to the 39 pas-sengers which can be seated in the preseng buses. Dimensions arc: 40 feet long, % inches wide and 10 feel ^ inches high. Larger underfloor compaitments have a total capacity of 325 cubic feet for luggage and other storage. Each is equipped with a rcstroom and has climate coiitrolled system for heating and air conditioning.

William W. Post. North Star Piesident, stated that he ex-pected the new charier buses to be ready for use by the end of December. North Star Charter service is available to West Mich-igan groups for travel anywhere in North America.

Jan. 19th • 24th


E X T R A SENSORY PERCEPnON Srr this amazing performance

It'll i si on ml You! I







TORO Mowers and T i l le rs

1969 Models

10% Off Skis and Ice Skates

nsulated Clothing

ServuslnsulatedZip Pac Boots

10% to 20% Off

SaonUnmr with purchase ot 110 or 112 TRACTOR

(No Interest or Payments til April l i t )



with grass catcher

Reg. S259.95

5hp. L E ^ F VAC

Reg. $209 .95

« 2 3 5 « M 8 8 "

5hp. DELUXE RIDER Reg S329.95


5 - 1 0 A Reg. $265.95 $250.00 2 - 10A - Reg. $235.00 $220.00 2 - 1 0 P S - Reg $254.95 $225.00 1 0 - 10E - Reg. 4229.95 4210 .00

MAC 15 - 499.95


with PMG or PMGA Chain Saw

V i l l a g e


Coming Events

Thursday, lanuary 22 The WSCS of First United Methodist Church of Lowell will

meet Thursday, January 22 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Dean Bailey. Program "Profile of a Christian Woman."

Sunday, January, 25 Members and the families of the Clark-Ellis Post American

Legion and Auxiliary will commemorate their 50th Anniver- * sary Sunday Jan. 25 at post clubrooms. Dinner at I p.m. Each family should bring own table service and dish to pass. A meat dish, rolls, coffee, soft drinks and milk will be furnished. FREE passes for skating will be given to the ones attending

the dinner.

The Clark Ellis American Legion and Auxiliary will have their family potluck dinner Sunday, January 25, at 1 p.m. Rolls, but ter , coffee and milk for children will be furnished and roller skating for all.

Mr. William Bosler f rom Project Re-hab will be gueil speak er at First United Methodist Church this Sunday at 6 :30 p.m. His subject will be "The Suburban Youth Scene." It is a School of Missions program.

There will be no Past Noble Grand Club meeting in January. Notice of the next meeting will be announced later.

Star Corners H n . I ra H M g h

577 Ada Drive P h o n e O R 6 - 4 8 1 1

Mrs. Ida Fox of South Bowne was a Sunday dinner guest of her son Carl and family.

Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Swanson and son Jeffery and John Krebs enjoyed pancake supper with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Slough Thursday evening.

Callers the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stahl were Mrs. Keith Zook, Mrs. Irene Stahl, J . B. Ward, Verie Stahl and Gerald and Isle, also Rev. Roy McRoberts of Copemish, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Stahl of Clarksville.

Mr. and Mrs. U o y d Miller at tended the Home Builder's Class Party at the Ovid Miller's home at Morrison Lake Satur-day evening. Skating and snowmobiling was enjoyed, also re-freshments later.

Mrs. Freeman Hoffman called on Mrs. Uzzie Yoder near Freeport Sunday af ternoon, later was a lunch guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawson at Lowell.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wingeier also son Elwood of Ann Arbor called at Alex Wingeiers Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wingeier accompanied John Krebs to the Clare Kreb's home at Lowell Tuesday evening for supper in honor of John's birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Schondelmeir of Middleville were guests at the Harold Seese home Wednesday evneing in honor of the former's wedding anniversary.

Melinda Rae Blough of Lowell spent Sunday af ternoon with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Blough. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan K. Blough, joined them for lunch and evening.

Dan Bergy of Bowne installed some door chimes for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wingeier last week, a gift of the young adults S. S. Class for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Schondelmeicr of Middleville helped their daughter Mrs. Haroid Seese celebrate her brithday Sunday eve-ning, being lunch guests of her family.

The Star Farm Bureau was entertained at the home of Mr . ' and Mrs. Fred Grawburg near Clarksville Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Clair Kauffman visited at the Ken Tobias home south Hastings.

Corporal Dan Walker of N. Carolina is home on a short fur-lough, he called at the Gait Kauffman home Monday morning.

Mrs. JSy Johnson and two sons of Dutton, Mrs. Richard . Scssink and three children of Freeport were Tuesday dinner and afternoon guests of Mrs. Russ Swanson and son. Mrs. Alex Wingeier was a Monday caller.

Yolanda, Pamela and Dianna Miller wer^ Saturday over-night guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Freeman Hoffman.

Name Jay VanAndel

to National 4-H Body %

Jay Van Andel of Ada, Chairman of the Board of Amway Corp., Ada, has been named to the 150-member National 4-H Club Foundation Advisory Council, according to Chairman Howard C. Harder, board chairman of CPC International, Eng-lewood Cliffs, N.J.

Council membership represents a broad spectrum of key leadership in American business and industry. Harder said. Reptesentative companies are selected from the "For tune 500" annual listing of the nation's leading firms by FORTUNE Mag-

azine. The Advisory Council's first objective is completion of an

$8 million capital development program, to triple the capacity of the National 4-H Center in suburban Washington.

Each year approximately 20,000 young people and adults a t tend seminars and leadership courses at the Center. Partici-pants are from the 3 ^ million 4-H'ers in the United States, and the 8 million members of similar youth organizations around the world. The National 4-H Center is owned and operated by the 4-H Foundation, in behalf of the Cooperative Extension Service.


Men go astray far more o f ten than women, according to a large agency tnat traces missing persons. For every four wives the agency is asked to find, it has the task of locating a thou-

sand missing husbands.

Few Openings Available in Adult Ed Courses

Although most adult education classes that start next week at Forest Hills High School arc filled, eight still have a few op-enings.

Any resident of the Forest Hills School District may parti-cipate in the program by paying the nominal registration fee of $3.00. Non-residents are also welcome and will be charged $10.00. The final date for registration is Monday, January 12. Telephone registrations may be made by calling Orchard View School. 361-1874, and by paying the fee on the first night of the class.

Those classes with some openings remaining are: Golf, Tuesday nights in three one-hour sections 7-8-9; Women's Rec-reation, Monday 7-9 p.m. Ada Gym; Men's Recreation Thurs-day 7-9, senior high; Men's Basketball, Monday 7-9 junior high; Typing, Monday and Thursday 7-9 senior high; Wood-working, two sections, Monday or Wednesday 7-9; Ceramics, Tuesday 7-9 senior high; Drawing and Painting, Thursday 7-9, senior high.


10 Lowell Ledger Suburban Life, January 22. 1970 f

Veteran Bankers Retire Two veteran bankers with a tolal of 65 years of service arc

retiring from Union Hank. Frank E. Schrcibcr, Assistant Vice President, joined the

bank's Bookkeeping Department in 1928. He transferred to Teller Operations in 1942, and in 1946 joined the Auditing Department. Schreiber became an Assistant Cashier in 1956, and was made an Assistant Vice President in 1964.

Irene Cole, Director of Women's Banking Servi'.es, joined Union Bank in 1951 after serving for several years in the Ad-ministrative officcs of Grand Rapids Public Schools. She^rtrted ed in the bank as Women's Personnel Director and later trans-ferred to the Business Development Department.


Statistics show that if you go to prison and then go into busi-ness, your risk of failure will be lower than the national average.

i I

Elmdale MRS. SARGEANT 693-2)41


Heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wright, who will observe their 70th wedding anniversary at their home in Clarksville, Sunday, January 25. They have three children, a son, Lester, and two daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Bu' kema and Mrs. Richard (Frances) Heaven; nine grandchildren; 30 great- , grandchildren, and four great-great-grandchildren. Both were b o m in Odessa Township and have lived their entire lives in Ionia County.


The Undershepherds group of Hope Church of the Brethren met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T ownsend .

Mrs. Carrol Brodbeck of Lake Odessa was a Friday evening caller of her u n d e V i d aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sargeant. She was enroute home f rom the Grand Rapids Osteopathic Hospi-tal, where she visited her brother George Sargeant, who recent-ly was in an accident, breaking his right let in five places below the knee. I t is thought that he will be able to be moved to his sister's home, sometime this week.

Mrs. Wm. Stalter was feeling quite perky last week when she learned that she was great aunt to a set of twins which were born to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hellelbower of Mulliken. The youngsters were born at the Ionia Memorial Hospital. The grandfather, Elvin Heffelbower resides in rural Ionia.

Mrs. Grace Carigon accompanied her daughter and husband to near Ionia Sunday afternoon. She visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller, while the Aspinalls went on to a nursing home where they visited Russel's sister. Mrs. Carigon remained at her daugh-ter's home overnight.

Mrs. June Fahmi and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sargeant were among those who attended the Ionia County Ramona Grange, which met at Danby Grange Monday night.

Mrs. Wm. Si alter, Mrs. Leo Kyser and aunt , Mrs. Mary Cousins, were Hastings business callers and also called on their uncle and brother Ivan Heffelbower Friday.

Science fiction and space travel buffs will want to see "Man and Beyond," a 30-minute color Disney production. This film will be available for loan throughout January from the Kent County Library, 459-0575.


t . . 1 »• ; 1- "


• qy 0 •'» • Lo- CKo<tl*troi

N»»«r«l-Orqoi«lc Foodt


Lowell, Michigan


JAN. 22-23-24-25



about this qMStlon:

Adversity comes to us all, ob-viously as part of the Devlne • Plan for growth in compas-•ion for others. Sharing of the burden of adversity is certain-ly in the finest Christian tra-dition. It is this sharing of fi-nancial misfortune at least which is the function of in-surance. Be well Insured for a HAPPY NEW YEAR.


Next Week;

'Romeo and Juliet'

One Perfermance a t 7:45 p.m.

I l rarsday through Sunday

Oesed Menday tf t r i WedBesday

IWo years from now a 1970Buick should be a tittle newer than most


^ , 1



i I

A Return Engagement

The Fabulous

WGTONES' One of the Greatest

Musical Groups You've Seen

Now at tke


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Skylark 350

LeSabre Custom

Buicks a r e built t h a t way. Checked a n d r e c h e c k e d . Bulck drive t r a ins a r e b a l a n c e d

right on t h e ca r s . Buicks have semi-c losed cooling

s y s t e m s . They should never o v e r h e a t . Every Buick h a s a s t rong ,

long-last ing body by Fisher . All Buick V8 e n g i n e s have

c a r b u r e t o r t ime m o d u l a t e d c h o k e

cont ro ls for f a s t , easy s tar t ing in a n y w e a t h e r .

Every t ime . Every Buick V-Q e n g i n e is precis ion

ba lanced a n d in spec ted right on t h e a s s e m b l y line by a un ique c o m p r e s s e d air t e c h n i q u e known a s air motor ing. Buick deve loped it.

I t ' s a n o t h e r Buick exclusive. That , incredibly, Is only t h e


Buick wotoa OwiSJON

T h e final resu l t is las t ing value. An integral pa r t of every Buick. S t a n d a r d e q u i p m e n t on t h e Buick

t h a t ' s waiting for you a t t h e Buick Value Cente r .

T h e Buick showroom n e a r e s t you . Where you c a n learn all t h e f a c t s

a b o u t t h e new c a r s tha t will stay n e w longer.

Where you c a n begin enjoying Buick va lue .

* Bukk Value. Something to believe in.

TTfe Leter-Siitarkn life - [PDF Document] (2024)


How to write in a PDF document? ›

Add new text to a PDF using a PC.
  1. Open your file in the Acrobat PDF Editor.
  2. Select Fill & Sign on the right side of the screen.
  3. Choose the Add Text tool, which looks like an upper-case “A” next to a lower-case “b.”
  4. Click anywhere in the PDF where you'd like to add text and start typing.

How to type on a PDF Chromebook? ›

Use your Chromebook to type on any PDF.

Select the Edit PDF tool. Upload your document by selecting the blue button labeled “Select a file.” Depending on your browser, you may also be able to simply drag and drop your file to the editor. Once the file has uploaded, use the Add Text Comment tool to type in your text.

How to make a PDF document? ›

1. Create a PDF from a Word document
  1. Open the document you want to save as a PDF.
  2. Click on the File tab.
  3. In Word, click Save As | PDF from the drop-down menu. In Google Docs, click File | Download | PDF. ...
  4. In the file name box, . pdf will automatically appear at the end of your file name.
Feb 7, 2023

How to convert a letter into a PDF file? ›

In the File menu, choose Create > PDF from File. In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to convert. If you can't locate the file through browsing, open the Files of Type dropdown menu and search for TXT files. Click Open to convert the file to a PDF.

Why can't I fill in a PDF? ›

If you can't type into a form field on a pdf, it may be due to a browser's default viewer for pdfs. Fillable forms require Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader/Acrobat DC to fill them out online or on your computer. Many browsers use a different pdf viewer by default that doesn't support fillable form fields.

How to fill in a PDF form on phone? ›

A PDF that is set up as a fillable form can also be filled out in Google Drive.
  1. Open the Google Drive app on your Android device.
  2. Tap the file with the form that needs to be filled out.
  3. Tap Fill Out Form, and enter your text in the field or fields.
  4. Tap Save.

How to convert PDF to Word? ›

How to Convert PDF to Word with OCR
  1. Navigate to our PDF to Word converter.
  2. Select the file you want to convert to Word.
  3. If the file contains any scanned pages, select OCR from the menu bar on the right. ...
  4. Click the Convert to Word button.
  5. Download your PDF to Word converted file.

What does a PDF look like? ›

When you create an Adobe PDF from documents or images, it looks just the way you intended it to. While many PDFs are simply pictures of pages, Adobe PDFs preserve all the data in the original file format—even when text, graphics, spreadsheets, and more are combined in a single file.

How do I insert words into a PDF document? ›

Open the document in the PDF editor. Select Tools > Edit PDF > Add Text. Drag the new text box to the preferred location.

How do I write on a PDF on my phone? ›

Annotate PDFs on Android

To enter preview mode, open the PDF you'd like to annotate. At the bottom right corner, tap the annotate button . A toolbar opens with multiple annotating tools. You can use a stylus or your finger to select an annotating tool.

How do I type directly in a PDF? ›

Open your PDF in Acrobat Pro. Select the Edit PDF tool in the right-hand panel. There will then be a bounding box around the editable items in your file. Use the editing tools to add text, edit text, or update fonts by using the selections from the Format dropdown list.

Can you open PDF files on Chromebook? ›

You can use the Gallery app on your Chromebook to view PDFs and edit them. You can: Fill out PDF forms. Add text annotations.

How do I edit a PDF? ›

How to edit PDF files:
  1. Open a file in Acrobat.
  2. Click on the “Edit PDF” tool in the right pane.
  3. Use Acrobat editing tools: Add new text, edit text, or update fonts using selections from the Format list. ...
  4. Save your edited PDF: Name your file and click the “Save” button. That's it.

How do I scan a letter and convert it to PDF? ›

How to convert JPG files and scanned documents to PDF:
  1. Open the file in Acrobat.
  2. Click on the Enhance Scans tool in the right pane.
  3. Choose the file you want to convert: To begin, choose “Select a file” and click “Start.” ...
  4. Edit your PDF: Click on the “Correct Suspects” icon (magnifying glass). ...
  5. Save as new PDF file:

How do you PDF an email? ›

To convert an email to a PDF, you'll first need to navigate to the Print dialog box within the specific email you want to convert. The Print dialog box might be represented by a printer icon, or might be found under additional menu options. Click Print. Select Save As PDF or Export As PDF from the Print dialog box.

How to convert to PDF file? ›

How to convert to or from PDF online
  1. Click the Select a file button above or drag and drop a file into the drop zone.
  2. Select the document you want to convert.
  3. Watch Adobe Acrobat do its PDF conversion magic.
  4. Sign in to download or share your converted file.


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Article information

Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 6136

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.