Read MTL - Starting from Zero - v19 Chapter 166 The most profitable are the gizmos - NovelBuddy (2024)

One overcurrent protector for three crystal coins, and each department can be used less than thirty times, which is almost like no money. First Literature (Please keep in mind that although our web site protector is not the big head of the magic crystal cannon hua fee, but it can save a little bit, reducing the hua consumption of the protector will definitely save a lot of money.

"What are the two remaining items?" After the research director introduced the power amplifier and overcurrent protector, I couldn't wait to ask about the purpose of the two remaining items on the table.

The research director put down the overcurrent protector and picked up a bundle of rope-like things, and then handed me one of them: "Release lighting to the other side."

I released a lighting technique on the rope head in my words, and as a result, the head of the research director suddenly lighted a dazzling light, as if he was holding a light bulb instead of the rope head. I glanced at the rope head in my hand in surprise, and then extinguished the lighting technique, and the light on the opposite side extinguished immediately.

"This is the magic wire?" The research director nodded and said, "How is it? Is there any difference now?" I picked up the wire and looked at it in confusion, then bent it with my hands a few times, and finally suddenly I was surprised by a different point, so I hurriedly looked closer. After observing for a while, I finally realized how different this wire is from the original magic wire. "Is this a single core?"

In fact, there are not many people using such things as magic wires. It is not that they have few uses, but that they cannot be bought and cannot be used. In fact, the use of magic wire is very wide, even for each player can use it in battle, and for the guild, this kind of thing is absolutely necessary equipment.

Let's talk about player applications first. The way the magic wire passes through the player is to conduct magic. It can introduce the magic power released by the player from one point, and then release it from the other end of the wire. According to this principle, suppose a mage carries a lot of wires, and then he shows a monster that is very high-level but very low-intelligence. What should this mage do under normal circ*mstances? Of course it was a detour. If the mage is going to attack, the opponent will rush towards him immediately after he completes the first hit. Fastness means that the mage will not have many chances to attack, and there will not even be a second attack time. A high level means that the defense and health are very high, and the mage cannot kill the opponent before the opponent approaches. As we all know, the defense of the mage is quite fragile. Once the mage is approached, it means that the battle is over.

The above situations are the two kinds of choices and consequences of a mage under normal circ*mstances when he forces this monster. However, if the mage brought a few magic wires, it would be much simpler. He can bury a wire at a location where he can attack the monster, and then bury the second wire next to the first and align it with the end of the first wire. After that, he can also bury the third and fourth wires. Root or even the nth wire, just align the end of the wire with the end of the previous wire. Then all the mage has to do is stand on the other end of the buried wire, and then release the attack magic into the first wire, and then the other end of the first wire will release the attack magic to attack the target. . The monster rushed over immediately after the attack, but it wasn't the mage rushing but the buried end of the wire. At this time, if the monster has a wire, it will attack the end of the wire. Of course, maybe he didn't show the end of the wire exposed at all, but would continue to rotate in place. During this time, the mage can slowly prepare the second magic, and then instill it into the second wire. The next part I believe everyone has guessed, as long as the magic is continuously instilled one by one, the monster will sooner or later die.

The advantage of using this method is obvious. A mage can use this trick to torture a monster that is much higher than himself. Before this, it was basically impossible. Of course, the above are the extreme applications of the magic wire. Under normal circ*mstances, the use method is still similar, but it will not be so extreme that a mage will be used to kill the monster. In the first literature, under normal circ*mstances, the mages will not go out to fight alone. They always have a team and this wire can win more opportunities for the team to attack. Of course, a wider application should be used for nurses to add blood to combat professionals when dealing with certain highly intelligent monsters, because when they are forced to fight against highly intelligent monsters, the opponent will often give priority to attacking weaker defenses. If you can drag a few wires and drop them in the field during a battle, nurses will not have to enter the battlefield directly. After all, monsters have limited intelligence. Usually they do n’t attack invisible enemies. Their priority attack choices can only be within the range they can see. The enemy is not a monster, but it should be some wild bsp; in addition to the above several application methods, players can also use many methods. Just as the birth of each weapon will evolve many corresponding tactics, if the magic wire is applied as a weapon, the corresponding tactics will also be ever-changing. However, it is really important to say that the magic wire is actually a guild application field, not a personal application field, because the magic wire is ultimately used to convey magic energy.

A guild, as long as it is a little bit higher, will necessarily have its own magic weapon, such as the magic crystal cannon and other wells. Like those guilds with their own cities, they will not only have magic crystal cannons, but also city shields and even self-defense magic arrays driven by magic. And if it is a guild like our Frost Rose League, then the magic energy equipment will cover almost all areas of the guild. From city defense to external operations, magic weapons will be used everywhere.

So many magic weapons consume energy, and it is obviously not cost-effective to use an independent magic crystal energy extraction device. First, this requires a separate energy converter for each device. Second, the energy extraction rate of small devices is necessarily worse. For large equipment, the energy loss caused during this period will be considerable. For cities like Isinger, if the central power supply of Central Power is not used, then the energy consumption of Isinger will increase by at least 30%. Do n’t underestimate this 30%. In terms of Isinger ’s magic crystal consumption, under normal circ*mstances, it is more than 100 kilograms a day, and 30% is more than 30 kilograms. If it is a combat state, , Then the consumption per hour may be over 1,000 kilograms. "The extra 30% means that 300 kilograms of magic crystal are used every hour. Although white magic crystal is not a rare thing, But it ’s just like the gasoline in the game. Do you say that gasoline is common and uncommon? Think about gasoline being expensive? If there is a way to save those burning equipment to save 30% of fuel, you say their Will the host be willing? Anyway, if the brain is not sick, it will be willing.

Because centralized energy supply can save energy, "how to transmit magic power has become the most important. The more commonly used transmission method is the magic pipe, which is like Aixinger. But the magic pipe has a feature, that is, it It is a solid device, which means that the shape will be fixed after it is produced. If the product is straight, it is straight. If you twist it, you can only break it. "I want to bend the pipe without breaking it. Just carry out complex processing before leaving the factory. Therefore, the magic pipes produced by our guild are all straight, and when in use, they are cut or spliced ​​on the spot with pipes of different lengths. As for the corners that need to be turned, you can use another special elbow to connect them. This kind of elbow is also divided into many types, but it is generally a multiple of forty-five degrees, such as ninety degrees, one hundred and thirty-five degrees, and of course there is also a line-in and line-out output interface. This aspect is a bit like a water pipe, using straight pipes with elbows to solve the problem of pipe turning.

However, it is not a problem to use this method in the general direction, but if you encounter a platform that needs to be rotated, such as the base of a cannon, it will be more troublesome. Usually it ’s a device that needs to be rotated. The method most guilds use is to export the magic power, and then use a magic soft wire to transfer it. This magic wire can be bent or stretched and compressed to a certain extent, so as long as It is not the kind of platform that can be turned up and down easily with magic wires. The problem is that the special properties of magic forces do not make magic wires as good as wires. Its technical content is much stronger than that of magic pipes, so There are very few guilds that can produce it. At present, there are fewer than twenty guilds in the world that can produce magic wires. "And without exception, the yield is very low. The technology of our guild is good, and the yield is only one-tenth. Note that this yield is not to make ten bad nines, but to make ten meters and one meter to use. This is completely different from making ten bad ones.

If we can make ten wires and nine wires, it will be nothing more than an increase in cost for us. The key is that it is now ten meters and nine meters, and you do n’t know where it is bad. As a result of the length of the manufactured wire, we cannot control the length ourselves. If only the short wire is okay to say, "If a long wire is needed, it is miserable. It may not be possible to pull out a wire with a length of several hundred times. Of course, you can also use the adapter to fiercely. However, there is a magic loss in the conversion interface, and the interface is usually the most prone to failure. Who can use a single line to get the wires out?

In fact, in addition to the platform that requires rotation, magic wires are also needed for other devices. Like the magic lines inside some magic equipment, because the mechanical structure is required to be as compact as possible during design, the magic transmission line cannot always be straight. At this time, if a flexible wire is used, it will bring a lot of convenience to the overall design of the equipment. Moreover, the volume of the equipment can be greatly reduced.

In fact, in addition to the above, for some moving magic equipment, the magic wire is also very important. For example, the mobile angels and battleships of our guild. The large warships in our guild all use centralized power cores, which makes our warships far more ordinary warships in terms of endurance. Moreover, the centralized use of power cores saves a lot of space for our warships. More importantly, one A larger power core means stronger instantaneous output, so our warships are far from other guild warships in terms of the power and range of the magic cannon and the power of the warships. This is not only due to the technical problems of cannons and thrusters, but also the credit of the core of marine power.

However, although the core benefits of centralized power are many, it has its troubles.

For example, the security of the pipeline. The power pipeline is a fixed line, let alone being interrupted, even if it is bent and deformed or even broken due to vibration, it will cause the magic transmission to be blocked. This characteristic means that the magic channel is fragile and it cannot withstand too much damage. Although the battleships in our guilds will add special protection layers to the power pipeline, this thing is relatively fragile after all, and protection is very easy to go wrong. If we can replace the magic pipeline with the magic pipeline, things will be different. The flexibility of the magic pipeline determines that as long as it is not blown off, the general deformation and bending is not a problem for it at all, let alone worry about the situation of being broken by a strong explosion.

Compared to the magic pipeline, the survivability of the magic pipeline is undoubtedly much stronger.

Battleships are actually pretty good, after all, they can still make use of the magic channel, but the mobile angel is miserable. The fragility of the magic pipeline determines that it is definitely not suitable for unstable equipment such as mobile angels that often need to withstand dozens of g cuts, so we use high-priced magic pipelines and more expensive ones in mobile angels. Small directional magic transmission device. No matter which of these two devices, they all have one thing in common, which is a word, "expensive".

It ’s because the magic wire has so many uses, the benefits are so obvious, and the output and price are so headache. ”That ’s why I paid so much attention to the wire in my hand. You must know that the previous magic wire was difficult to do because its interior actually Instead of using a linear conductor, but a winding wiring like a spring. This method of wiring is actually impossible, because the previous magic wire itself used a similar material as the magic pipe, so Its elasticity is relatively poor. In order to ensure that the line does not break during the bending process, it can only be made into a loop-like structure like a spring. This not only increases the diameter of the wire but also increases the material consumption. The most important thing is It is this bending wiring method that greatly increases the difficulty of production, so that the drawn wire will always break, which leads to such a low output.

However, this wire in my hand is not only very light and soft, but also has a small diameter. The most important thing is that the interface is actually a single core. You must know that the original wire is a spiral wire, and one of the wires must exist as the main beam. The steel cable must have an anti-magic metal protective layer to isolate the magic. This set has three cores. Adding a corrosion-resistant and shock-absorbing outer layer, the entire magic wire is a four-layer thing. "Do you say it can't be heavy?" But this one in my hand is actually a single core. Except for a wire in the middle of the center, there is only one layer of anti-corrosion and shock absorption protection. The magic barrier and the main cable are missing. Already.

"How much is this cost? The yield is?" I asked excitedly, grasping the wire.

The research director deliberately said slowly, "The cost of this is actually ...", "How much?", "One crystal coin per meter."

"What? That's not the price of cabbage?" This is really not that I'm not calm, mainly because the contrast is too great. Do you know how much the original magic wire is? One thousand crystal coins per meter, this is still the average price. Shorter than one meter and more than half a meter are 500 crystal coins per meter "shorter than half a meter, and more than ten centimeters are one hundred crystal coins per meter. However, the price of a magic wire less than two meters past one meter five" is per meter. 10,000 crystal coins, if the price is longer, the price is even worse, because the longest magic wire that our guild has pulled out so far is only two meters, two four, and other guilds have pulled it out. I do n’t know how long it is, but I ’ve never heard of one that has reached two and a half meters. The reason for this is here, so I would be so surprised to hear a crystal coin per meter, after all, compared with the psychological price The price difference is too big.

As if I felt that the shock was not enough for me, the research director immediately nodded after seeing such a surprised expression, "Yes, it's so cheap, because we use single-core wires, and the raw materials are cheaper than the previous ones. , The amount is much less. The raw material that originally pulled a rice noodle can now pull at least three meters. Also because the wire is much lighter and the strength has become a lot stronger, so the main cable is cancelled, which saves a lot Money. The technology we got from the book of energy also helped us solve the problem of magic power dissipation, so now this wire can basically be regarded as zero magic resistance, and basically does not consume magic power. Based on this feature, we put the magic resistance layer also Omit it, as a result, there is only one wire plus an anti-corrosion layer. Oh, by the way, this anti-corrosion layer is also simplified, because the wire itself is very soft and does not need anti-vibration ~ ~ So new The anti-corrosion layer is used for anti-corrosion alone, so it is not as thick as before. "

"Then the price can't be cheap like this?" "Of course it can be cheap like this, because the new magic wire production method is very simplified, and the technical difficulty has plummeted. Now the yield is almost 100%, and there is no material at all. Loss, can this price be cheap? "" 100% yield? "

"Yes, even if this simple line is a small hand workshop to produce estimates, it is difficult to have problems, let alone the advanced equipment of our guild?"

"Then how flexible is this thing? Is it easy to break?" "As long as you don't use it as a traction rope, there is basically no problem of breakage, even if you use it as a skipping rope."

"Haha, we're rich, now we can monopolize the production of magic wires around the world. Oh, no, this thing should belong to strategic resources. It's almost enough to sell it to the Iron Crusaders. Hostile or unreliable allies are all Do n’t sell. Who will sell? Let the roses discuss them with you. Tell me first what is the last one? ”I said and took out the last round metal ball on the table. Asked, "What is this for?"! ~!

∷ (.bsp;

Read MTL - Starting from Zero - v19 Chapter 166 The most profitable are the gizmos - NovelBuddy (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.