Manual of the Planes (5e) - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (2024)

From creators behindThe Draconomicon,Tasha'sCrucible of Everything Else, Planescape: Metropolis, The Honkonomicon,, and more comes...

Manual of the Planes (5e) - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (1)

Manual of the Planes

An invaluable, definitive work on the most fascinating aspect of the World's Greatest Roleplaying Game

Avital sourcebook for players and DMs of all levels of experience, theManual of the Planes details the manifold worlds of the Great Wheel, the most popular cosmological model of the multiverse. This book describes thelayers, locations, and denizens of these worlds, as well as ideas forcharacter creation and building planar adventures in these alien surroundings. A different style of D&D adventure awaits!

This product is compatible withPlanescape: Adventures in the Multiverse.

Manual of the Planes (5e) - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (2)

Look Inside



  • Planewalker Slang
  • Using this Book
  • Terms to Know
  • What is a Plane?
  • What Makes a Planar Adventure?

Chapter 1: Character Creation

  • Backgrounds
    • Elemental Navigator
    • Far Realm Survivor
    • Transitive Anchor
    • Wild Thing
  • Feats
    • 1st-Level Feats
      • Amphibious
      • Elemental Disciple
      • Fight or Flight
      • Personal Symbiont
      • Poison Barbs
      • Resilience of the Elemental Chaos
      • Scion of the Far Realm
      • Scion of the Transitive Planes
    • 4th-Level Feats
      • Beast Whisperer
      • Channel Cosmic Alignment
      • Eagle Eyed
      • Rapid Magic
      • Scentfinder
      • Symbiont Mastery
    • Epic Boons
      • Epic Boon of Ascension
      • Epic Boon of Damnation
      • Epic Boon of Fey Aristocracy
      • Epic Boon of Primordial Emergence
      • Epic Boon of Metamorphosis
      • Epic Boon of Soul Magic
  • Spells
    • Ablative Dweomer
    • Astral Sign
    • Metaconcert
    • Modron March
    • Planar Endurance
    • Reality Maelstrom
  • Species (also known as Races)
    • Axani
      • Bladeling
      • Mechanatrix
      • Zenythri
    • Bariaur
    • Chaond
      • Cansin
      • Slaadish
      • Uncannite
    • Eventide
      • Diurge
      • Fairling
      • Gloaming
      • Lumi
    • Exiled Modron
    • Goliath
    • Primordial Genasi
    • Shyft
      • Buomman
      • Calcilach
      • Fogwalker
  • New Items
    • Doubt Bomb
    • Etherblade
    • Gorgonblood Mortar
    • Lajandra's Lantern

Chapter 2: Planar Principia

  • Planar Adventures
    • Twenty Reasons to Hop Planes
  • Nature of Exemplars
  • Agency and Afterlife
  • Portmanteau: When Settings Collide
    • Reasons for Multi-Setting Adventures
    • Worlds with Alternate Cosmologies
    • Shifting Power Sources
  • Creature Themes
    • Atypical Creatures
    • Connection Themes
    • Primal Themes
    • Divine Themes

Chapter 3: The Great Wheel

  • Using This Chapter
    • Overview
    • Common Knowledge
    • Associated Characters
    • Exploration Rules
    • Layers
    • Locations
    • Denizens
    • Intrigue Opportunities
    • Supernatural Effects
  • The Prime and Echoes
    • Material Plane
    • The Feywild
    • The Shadowfell
  • Connecting Planes
    • Astral Plane
    • Ethereal Plane
    • The Outlands
    • The Far Realm
  • Inner Planes
    • Positive Energy Plane
    • Negative Energy Plane
    • Elemental Air
    • Elemental Water
    • Elemental Earth
    • Elemental Fire
    • Elemental Chaos
  • Outer Planes
    • The Abyss
    • Acheron
    • Arborea
    • Arcadia
    • The Beastlands
    • Bytopia
    • Carceri
    • Elysium
    • Gehenna
    • Hades
    • Limbo
    • Mechanus
    • Mount Celestia
    • The Nine Hells
    • Pandemonium
    • Ysgard
  • Travelers of the Wheel
    • Famous Planewalkers
    • Fogbrokers
    • Keepers
    • Mind Flayers (Illithids)
  • Interplanar Landmarks
    • The Infinite Staircase
    • Mount Olympus
    • River Oceanus
    • River Styx
    • Rock of Bral
    • World Serpent Inn
    • Yggdrasil, the World Tree

Chapter 4: Creatures of the Planes

  • Achaierai
  • Aoskian Hound
  • Archfey
    • Seelie Monarch
    • Unseelie Monarch
  • Archons
    • Sword Archon
    • Throne Archon
    • Tome Archon
    • Trumpet Archon
  • Ardlings
    • Ardling Wanderer
    • Ardling Ferallum
    • Ardling Paladarch
    • Ardling Heavensage
  • Bardic Dean
  • Beast Lord
  • Blights
    • Algae Blight
    • Flytrap Blight
    • Fungal Blight Husk
    • Fungal Blight Spore Cloud
    • Fungal Blight Engorged
    • Kelp Blight
    • Swarm of Moss Blights
    • Stinking Blight
    • Moss Blight
  • Chronotyryn
  • Dracolich Greatwyrm
  • Eodath
    • Bralani Eodath
    • Coure Eodath
    • Firre Eodath
    • Ghaele Eodath
    • Noviere Eodath
    • Shiere Eodath
    • Tulani Eodath
  • Ethergaunts
    • Black Ethergaunt
    • Red Ethergaunt
    • White Ethergaunt
  • Executioner's Ravens
    • Executioner's Raven
    • Executioner's Wereraven
  • Farspawn
  • Formians
    • Formian Worker
    • Formian Warrior
    • Formian Taskmaster
  • Genies
    • Genie Commoner
    • Genie Conglomerate
    • Dao Monarch
    • Djinni Monarch
    • Efreeti Monarch
    • Marid Monarch
  • Guardinals
    • Cervidal Guardinal
    • Leonal Guardinal
    • Lupinal Guardinal
    • Ursinal Guardinal
  • Illuminary
  • Kaorti
    • Kaorti Initiate
    • Kaorti Resincrafter
  • Keeper
  • Kuldurath
  • Modrons
    • Quinton Modron
    • Quarton Modron
    • Tertian Modron
    • Secundus Modron
  • Nerra
    • Kalareem Nerra
    • Sillit Nerra
    • Varoot Nerra
  • Phane
  • Pseudonatural Crab
  • Reality Snarl
  • Rilmani
    • Argenach Rilmani
    • Abiorach Rilmani
    • Plumach Rilmani
    • Stannach Rilmani
  • Rukanyr
  • Skybleeder
  • Slaadi
    • Orange Slaad
    • Pink Slaad
    • Purple Slaad
  • Spirits
    • Spirit Hound
    • Weak Spirit
    • Strong Spirit
    • Elder Spirit
  • Thoon Incubator
  • Umbral Banyan
  • Vaati
    • Vaati Wanderer
    • Vaati Wind Duke
  • Xag-Ya and Xeg-Yi
    • Xag-Ya
    • Xeg-Yi

Manual of the Planes (5e) - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (3)

Content Warning

In addition to the traditional antagonists, archetypal evil, and sinister societies encountered in the kinds of fantasy adventures Dungeons & Dragons is known for, this book addresses some topics that can be very stressful for some readers.

Negative Psychological Effects

Magic, darkness, and even weather can drive characters wild. This is a general theme throughout the book, but is especially prevalent in certain planes described in chapter 3:

The Feywild (memory loss)
The Shadowfell (despair)
The Abyss (aggression)
Arborea (yearning)
Bytopia (alignment change)
Elysium (complacency)
Gehenna (selfishness)
Hades (depression)
Mechanus (alignment change)
The Nine Hells (alignment change)
Pandemonium (obsession)

These planes have optional exploration rules to represent the ways the realms wear down or build up visitors and alter their mental state. If anyone in your play group is uncomfortable with this narrative, you can disregard those exploration rules.

Death and the Afterlife

In traditional D&D cosmology, the souls of deceased creatures live on in the planes. This is a general theme throughout the book and cannot be easily avoided. Chapter 2 provides options for adapting the mechanics and lore of creature agency and the afterlife to suit your play group’s preferences.

Child Maltreatment

This topic is only breached once in the book, in chapter 3, discussing Mount Celestia’s favorite mortals to protect, watch over, and invite to angelhood. This can be easily avoided by saying that Mount Celestia’s inhabitants have no favorites.

Manual of the Planes (5e) - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (4)

Being Respectful

Everyone in your play group is responsible to behave respectfully. Here’s some helpful guidelines you can use to establish what boundaries your table wants to set while enjoying a planar campaign.

Content Warning

Have an open discussion about what player and DM comfort levels are in regards to the topics described in the Content Warning above. This conversation can take place as a group or privately, one-on-one between DM and players.

If the table as a whole is comfortable with a topic, discuss how immersive you’d like to get in such moments. Some players enjoy the catharsis of being immersed in difficult conflicts for a character, some don’t.

If anyone in the play group is uncomfortable with a topic, don’t breach that topic. You don’t need to ask why; any shock value isn’t as important as everyone having fun.

Personal History

If a player or DM is uncomfortable with a topic, you don’t need to ask why. Simply knowing preferences is enough information to show respect.

If another member of your play group confides in you why they’re uncomfortable with a topic, especially if it’s for a traumatic reason, don’t share it with others and don’t try to incorporate it into the story anyways.

Change Topics

If your group decides to dive into the darker elements of this book or add your own serious twists to the lore and mechanics within, people may change their minds or discover they’re uncomfortable with topics they originally thought would be fine. If someone raises a concern like this, even if it’s at an inconvenient time in the story, listen. Change the topic. Add it as a new item to your list of topics not to be discussed or brought into the story.

Group members can voice their concerns when they come up, but sometimes that can be daunting. To make it easier, you can implement a “magic word,” “safe word,” or “password” that group members can say to indicate they’re uncomfortable. You could also have a special symbol on the table (such as a paper with a large X drawn on it) that a party member can touch to indicate the same.

If someone expresses discomfort, that’s a good time to take a break to discuss comfort levels, grab a snack, and use the bathroom.

Manual of the Planes (5e) - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (5)

The Dark of It (FAQ)

Q: Do I need to ownPlanescape: Adventures in the Multiverse to use this book?

A: Although many readers will find having both books enhances their experience, no you don't. TheManual of the Planes is designed to be a standalone product that dovetails perfectly withAdventures in the Multiverse, not one that ignores or replaces it.

Q: What kind of art is in this book?

A: This book has decorative graphics, characteristic quotes, and a diagram of the Inner Planes. In future updates, we may add additional diagrams and maps of other planes. It does not have traditional illustrations. We would LOVE to have included traditional illustrations, but stock art that fits the unique landscapes and creatures of the planes is rare or nonexistant, our production timeline didn't have enough time to commission custom art, and commissioning custom art was financially unfeasible during development.

Q: 2nd Edition (2e) Planescape books were written using planewalker slang, while most 5th Edition (5e) books are written in the style of a reference text. What kind of writing style does theManual of the Planes use?

A: The main text of the book is written in the 5e style, like an imaginative and entertaining encyclopedia or textbook. Many of our characteristic quotes use planewalker slang in the 2e style. A planewalker slang dictionary is provided on page 2 and can be found in the file preview.

Q: Is there a version of the PDF that is friendly to black-and-white home printers?

A: Yes! The reduced-file size version is in black and white and lacks any decorative graphics. It is included as a download option with this purchase.

Q: Is there a reduced file size version of the PDF?

A: Yes! The reduced-file size version is in black and white and lacks any decorative graphics.It is included as a download option with this purchase.

Q: If I buy the PDF now, will I have access to future updates?

A: Yes. You can access updated files in your DMs Guild/DriveThru RPG library at any time after purchasing.

Q: Will there be a print-on-demand edition?

A: That's the hope. We intend to offer theManual of the Planes in print beginning in early 2024.

Q: If I buy the PDF now, will I have a discount on the print-on-demand version? Will there be a discount on the print-on-demand edition if I purchase the PDF version before?

A: Yes. If we are able to offer a print-on-demand edition, we will also offer a discount bundle option for people who already own the PDF. This will let you subtract the PDF's cost from the print-on-demand edition's cost.


1.0 (October 2023) - Original version.

1.0.1 (October 2023) - Typo correction. Added a printer-friendly, black-and-white, reduced file size version that is included as a download option with this purchase.

1.0.2 (June 2024) - Typo correction. Improved the clarity of legal text on the Credits page.

Manual of the Planes (5e) - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.