LIFT THE LID WALK for Mental Health - SWAN, WA 2024 (2024)

LIFT THE LID WALK for Mental Health will get you walking and get us all talking while we raise vital funds for Australian Rotary Health.

About this Event


We are very excited to share this is the second annual LIFT THE LID WALK for Mental Health event being held in Midland.

The “point of difference” is that the walk is not a race. It is a family occasion offering an organised “fun” walk.

The inaugural Walk was held in October 2016 in Mooloolaba and has grown to include hundreds of participants and the introduction of a national series in several states and we are very proud to say we have raised in excess of $250,000 so far but we're not stopping here.


This is a great project because it:

1. Raises much needed funds for ARH Mental Health Research - 100% of funds raised go directly to research.

2. Offers an opportunity for the community to come together and identify with those suffering from mental health issues and start a conversation. To know they are not alone.

3. It provides an outlet for those suffering from mental health issues. For example, every year there have been families and friends wearing their own special t-shirts honouring a loved one who has been lost as a result of a mental health issue.

4 Will bring visitors to our area which is good for local businesses and tourism.


1. I am aware and acknowledge that the Lift The Lid Walk (the Event) involves inherent risks, including the risk of injury to life or death and damage to property and in undertaking such activities, I do so at my own risk.

2. I am also aware that it is a condition of participation in the Event that Rotary, its officers and employees, agents and volunteers are released by me from all liability howsoever arising from injury or damage to both property and person howsoever caused (whether fatal or otherwise) arising out of my participation in the Event whether or not such injury or damage is due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default and/or omission on the part of Rotary, its officers and employees, agents or volunteers.

3. I indemnify Rotary, its officers and employees, agents and volunteers against all loss, damage and expenses (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis) arising out of or in connection with any claims, actions, proceedings or demands of any kind arising directly or indirectly as a consequence of my participation in the Event.

4. I acknowledge and agree that my participation in the Event is as a consequence of my own free will and desire and that I have read and understood the above warning, release, and indemnity.

5. I warrant that I am 18 years of age or older and am lawfully able to enter into this above release and indemnity or, in the event that I am a minor, I have the permission of my legal guardian to participate in the Event and that my legal guardian has agreed to adhere to the terms of the indemnity

If the participant is a minor:

I as the legal guardian of the Participant consent to him/her participating in the Event.

· I release Rotary, its officers and employees, agents and volunteers from all liability, howsoever arising, from injury or damage to both property and person howsoever caused (whether fatal or otherwise) arising out of the Participant’s participation in the Event whether or not such injury or damage is due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default and/or omission on the part of Rotary, its officers and employees, agents or volunteers.

· I indemnify Rotary, its officers and employees, agents and volunteers against all loss, damage and expenses (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis) arising out of or in connection with any claims, actions, proceedings or demands of any kind arising directly or indirectly as a consequence of the Participant’s participation in the Event

In the EVENT we did get cancelled because of weather or COVID.

Just in case the current walk format is cancelled because of extreme weather conditions or a return of COVID, we'll still be going ahead just differently. We'd love you to get out on the day of the event and walk and talk with us. We will shift the WALK online and do it virtually! We encourage you to share it on socials while adhering to any necessary restrictions. Given we are raising vital funds for mental health research, and it's honestly never been more important, your ticket registration donation will make a huge difference to what Australian Rotary Health research funding can achieve. Your shiny new t-shirt will still be waiting for you to collect and we'll keep you up to date of a safe place and time for that to happen via email in the event we can't go ahead on the day.

LIFT THE LID WALK for Mental Health - SWAN, WA 2024 (2024)


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